Facebook (ache)

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:( oh....

well i like mine.....i keep up to date with my brother....who works on the Rigs....share photos with family and friends.....all boring stuff.....but harmless and a way of keeping in touch!......
The problem I have with it, is the step daughter, was being harassed by a jealous member.
Ended up having to get the police involved, before I did something that ended up getting the police involved. If you get my drift?
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My son, daughter and partner are completely addicted to it, they 'stalk' (if that's the right terminology?) everyone, and my son apparently (I say apparently because my sister informs me!!) puts every thought, movement and action into word on the freaking thing !! I understand Facebook can be utilised to keep in touch with loved ones with the latest photos, what's happening in each others lives, etc., but I would wager that more people just use it purely for voyeuristic reasons.
Any one fancy providing a very very brief tutorial my interest in it is painfully
Thin already. Just seems like a load of random drivel written "friends" .... Bit like GD :LOL:
nope can't be arsed with it, what a pile of drivel, i don't reckon i'm ever gonna be rich i don't understand people, are they all really that shallow??
it's just so utterly banal!! i frankly couldn't give a flying as to what's on "your" mind. In fact i've deactivated my account!!
it's just so utterly banal!! i frankly couldn't give a flying as to what's on "your" mind. In fact i've deactivated my account!!

Probably a bit late now but my advise to would have been for you to work through it. Its just that its the w/e and they get a bit frisky. The thing is it's not abusive so hang in there. ;)
And here's me thinking that Eddie and Diane are an item.
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