Farmers Fury

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Farmers, especially so called "gentleman farmers, " are ****ed because they lost their, extremely, cheap labour from the EU. Tough luck pay decent wages although to be partly fair the youth of today would rather claim benefits and exist in their little plastic worlds inside their iphones than do any useful work.
Farmers, especially so called "gentleman farmers, " are ****ed because they lost their, extremely, cheap labour from the EU. Tough luck pay decent wages although to be partly fair the youth of today would rather claim benefits and exist in their little plastic worlds inside their iphones than do any useful work.
any figures to back that up
Andy, let me give you a simple example.

The farmer grows cereal and over the years has a nice regular business, same amount of produce each year selling for the same price.

Then 1 year he (and the other farmers) suffer a bad yield and has less to sell but his costs stay the same. Does he put his price up ? If he does, everybody who buys that cereal, all the way down to the bread in the shop has to pay a bit extra.

There is the inflation. Government (for all their faults) were not involved

You're stating the obvious, i.e. the price of a commodity increasing because of a reduced amount of it being available. That's not inflation, inflation is a Government increasing the money supply causing prices to increase, and this is what is causing the current ridiculous price increases.
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Farmers, especially so called "gentleman farmers, " are ****ed because they lost their, extremely, cheap labour from the EU. Tough luck pay decent wages although to be partly fair the youth of today would rather claim benefits and exist in their little plastic worlds inside their iphones than do any useful work.

Exactly, but guess who's to blame for that? Yes, the Government again; it is they who have created the demand for and facilitated foreign labour at the expense of our own workers and the education and training thereof. I heard a good interview with Lee Anderson (who I'm still not certain of) in which he says that our education system should be like that of the the football world, where you have scouts who can recognise that a 5 year old will become a great footballer in years to come. The child will then be selected, guided and nurtured. Why not have this kind of "scouting" for future engineers, doctors, nurses, farmers, builders etc whilst they are children at school?

We did have selective education at one time. The benefits system is the root of all evil in this country.
The UK produces a lot of food, good quality and at a price, this gets exported and we import cheap similar products because the UK customer want's everything as cheap as possible. We should ban exporting more than 25% of our produce, we would just have to pay more, or eat less-which wouldn't be a bad thing. Reducing imports and exports should help with the weather change as well.
NFU is missing the point having been turned over by the govt on brexhit. There is a lot of profit to be made through economies of scale but the farmers are hanging in there. It will probably take a change in inheritance tax rules to persuade them to sell up. It’s got s*d all to do with the environment and everything to do with corporate profit

From watching Harry's Farm on YouTube, he reports that he made a good profit last year due to the rising grain prices. But this may be an anomaly, as the fertiliser prices hadn't yet got as high as now while growing last year's crop. This year could end up with high input prices and a low selling price, nobody yet knows.

There are a lot of factors, mostly global. If they're efficient then they should be generally profitable, if not then they'll go bust, just as with any other competitive business.

Many farmers talk lots about the economic bad times, and stay quiet about the good times. A lot like they do with the weather.
You're stating the obvious, i.e. the price of a commodity increasing because of a reduced amount of it being available. That's not inflation, inflation is a Government increasing the money supply causing prices to increase, and this is what is causing the current ridiculous price increases.
If it's not inflation, what is it
Ignorant breixteers don't understand the term 'food security'...

The UK is now outside of the EU Common market, and they tend to look after their own rather than third countries...

The UK government of course has reneged on it's promises to keep the same level of farming subsidies as before...

Relying instead on non existent 'better trade deals' from other 'third countries' that are unsurprisingly suffering from climate changes issues...

I guess them ignorant brexiteers haven't got their collective brain cell to work that out yet ;)
You don't fancy candy crickets for breakfast then?
French farmers aren't happy with new directives either; but when are they ever happy about anything?
You forgot the S word...
Saving the planet, filling fields with solar panels whilst turning to insects for sustainability. Happening across the eu as well, the dutch farmers will tell you.
UK buys vast amounts of food from the EU

the idiots that voted for brexit increased trade barriers making it more difficult and more time consuming to import

but sine you still dont understand the Single Market, you wont understand
Anyone seen Jeremy Clarkson's series where he tries his hand at running a farm? It's excellent

He demonstrates that the biggest obstacle to food production is - guess what? The Government..
It was a calculation that had to made notchy, that the politicians trusted to carry out Brexit are inept is not the fault of those who voted for Brexit.
It was a calculation that had to made notchy, that the politicians trusted to carry out Brexit are inept is not the fault of those who voted for Brexit.

The problems this country are facing are a result of UK leaving the Single Market.

The only way to have avoided all the trade damage, economic damage, loss of workers etc was to stay inside SM

but since you don’t understand how the Single Market works, you won’t understand
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