Freedom of Speech Does Not Include the Right to Offend

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Do we know the context within which the teacher displayed the material? If he essentially held up a cartoon to poke fun that's one thing, however if he held up a cartoon to make a debating point or to spark discussion, that's completely different.
I understand the cartoon was used in a Religious Education class.
What kind of RE teacher uses abuses a RE lesson to insult a religion, any religion?
Clearly he either lacked the intelligence to gain the approval of his peers before insulting a fair proportion of his class, or he lacked the awareness of some of the religions of his pupils.
That doesn't sound like a rational RE teacher to me who's trying to teach tolerance.
That sounds like a RE teacher with a desire to insult a religion.
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I pointed out that "bame" are killing each other and you reply with Ireland and Syria.
Whatever you're taking, stop now!
Were you unable to get past the first two sentences?
Try again, the might understand the whole post.

Or maybe not.
Blimey if the mad mullers in wats name hear about it

they might issue a fatwa :idea:

I see the Chinese have issued some sanctions against MPs because they callled em out over this wiga concentration camp caper

Afaik himmagin / dazzler has remained silent on the Chinese concentration camp caper :idea:

No surprise tbh ;) :LOL:
Have you anything to add to the topic. Or will yu content yourself with irrelevant whataboutery?

Of course, it's just another opportunity for you to promote racial hatred against your two most hated groups.
No surprise tbh. :LOL:
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Because the EU have decided the Chinese are ok and sealed deals..... That's enough in himmy mind to condone such actions
Nothing to constructive to add to the topic.
Just an opportunity to reduce the thread to abuse.
No surprise tbh.
Viruses are usually named after where they come from: Spanish Flu; Hong Kong Flu; MERS etc. Therefore this current one should be called "Chinese Virus" but we are calling it Covid 19 so as not to upset China.

Political correctness and cowardice!
In transam's case it's an opportunity to ferment hatred against Asians.
Search for how many times transam has used the term 'Chinese virus'. There's three pages of results.

Then search for how many anyone else has promoted the use of that term.

Transam must be aware of how it promotes racial hatred against Asians. That's why he does it. His comments and use of the term are allowed to remain, but my criticism of him using that term was deleted. He is being protected in his promotion of racial hatred against Asians.
Macron isn't using it to describe something, he is clearly using it to promote hostility and ill feeling. I realise of course that this is purely to try and ameliorate his own inadequacy and insecurity but nevertheless, it still promotes a basic hatred - to use your term.
Macron doesn't do it at every opportunity that arises. Transam does, without fail.
Usually if no opportunity arises transam will either create one or will ferment his racial hatred anyway.
It's quite simple really, the right not to be offended is not greater than the right to offend.
Its called living in a free society.

Why the school felt the need to instantly apologise needs investigating though
Because they employed a RE teacher who is obviously not suitable, unless the objective was to alienate a whole section of the school pupils and parents.
yep he has gone into hiding due to the lunatics taking over the asylum

dare say the parents concerned in the protest would lynch the bloke if they got hold of him
A perfect example of an extremist fermenting hatred against another group in society.
How intelligent do you have to be, to worship an invisible bearded God who lives everywhere.
This is a discussion about offending groups in society.
It isn't a discussion about the validity of religion per se. If you want to discuss that I suggest you start a new thread.
french lock down / curfew :idea:

marauding gangs of illegals on the pinch ( its France )

hope his carpet is nailed down :LOL::LOL:
Your bigotry is understandable.
Bigotry is taught in the home by the parents and other relatives.
By the time the children have grown up that bigotry is so ingrained into their psyche that they think it's rational.

You told us that some of your relatives were Nazis. They joined the Nazi movement and carried out their own brand of 'religion'.
Sounds like Bobby the Bigot is still making friends. Careful what you say, he likes telling tales on people on the Screwfix forum. Weasel.

Bobby to a tee.
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