Get in Fruit and Veg prices to go up - another Brexit win

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I'm not sure we are all getting the health benefits from the fruits we eat.

It's great that we have such a selection today. But mixing it up a bit we would be better going back to eating seasonal fruit that's grown and picked in this country.

I read something that said that the apples we buy from the supermarkets can be over a year old. Now that must have lost most of its goodness.

So I'll be buying an additional freezer, and try to pick local fruit when possible this coming summer. I'm not saying I won't eat imported fruit but I'll be sure that most will be locally sourced.
I read something that said that the apples we buy from the supermarkets can be over a year old. Now that must have lost most of its goodness.
Everything from the plot of Mott is seasonal. ;)

I don't normally get involved in Brexit discussions but this is one area I think gets overlooked. I followed the Referendum intently because I was genuinely undecided. I was sanguine about the result, because we had been given so many reassurances by all the big guns on the Brexit side of things. All that needed to be decided was whether it would be the Norway model or the Switzerland model. Nobody of note had even mentioned the customs union, never mind leaving it. When we first heard we would be leaving the customs union, a couple of months after the referendum, I would imagine 95%+ had never even heard of it. I believe the public were greatly misled over how hard the Brexit was going to be.

I rather doubt knowing about the customs Union / single market would actually have made the slightest difference.

having a referendum on a highly technical and complex subject never works, campaigns are fought on emotive slogans. The beliefs of brexit supporters is almost entirely based on emotions not facts or details.

We ended up with a hard Brexit simply because of Boris Johnson’s thirst for power.
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I'm not sure we are all getting the health benefits from the fruits we eat.

It's great that we have such a selection today. But mixing it up a bit we would be better going back to eating seasonal fruit that's grown and picked in this country.

I read something that said that the apples we buy from the supermarkets can be over a year old. Now that must have lost most of its goodness.

So I'll be buying an additional freezer, and try to pick local fruit when possible this coming summer. I'm not saying I won't eat imported fruit but I'll be sure that most will be locally sourced.

fruit growing has been turned into an industrial process

strawberries for example are now grown in poly tunnels, but not in the ground, they are grown up in the air in grow bags about 4’0 off the ground and watered with an irrigation system which has liquid chemical food in it.
It's great that we have such a selection today. But mixing it up a bit we would be better going back to eating seasonal fruit that's grown and picked in this country.
Thats sounds suspiciously like an argument for migrant labour, the ones brexxers told to f*ck off in the referendum, so unemployed brits could enjoy their country in peace.
Thats sounds suspiciously like an argument for migrant labour, the ones brexxers told to f*ck off in the referendum, so unemployed brits could enjoy their country in peace.
Not at all. I'm talking about me and my family. We have 2 or 3 local farms that we can pick our own. It costs more and Notch is in part right but I can only do what I can do.
fruit growing has been turned into an industrial process

strawberries for example are now grown in poly tunnels, but not in the ground, they are grown up in the air in grow bags about 4’0 off the ground and watered with an irrigation system which has liquid chemical food in it.
I'm not sure we are all getting the health benefits from the fruits we eat.

It's great that we have such a selection today. But mixing it up a bit we would be better going back to eating seasonal fruit that's grown and picked in this country.

I read something that said that the apples we buy from the supermarkets can be over a year old. Now that must have lost most of its goodness.

So I'll be buying an additional freezer, and try to pick local fruit when possible this coming summer. I'm not saying I won't eat imported fruit but I'll be sure that most will be locally sourced.

You're right. Read somewhere that fruit and veg now has 50% fewer nutrients than 50 years ago. I would imagine than some are worse than others. The cheap pale orange tomatoes than are force grown in vast Spanish greenhouses have no taste or flavour - so guessing very little in the way of vitamins, etc. Same with cheaper strawberries.

I'm guessing that expensive/organic fruit and veg has a lot more of the good stuff in them.
Thats sounds suspiciously like an argument for migrant labour, the ones brexxers told to f*ck off in the referendum, so unemployed brits could enjoy their country in peace.
Instead we have food rotting in the fields...

And yet brexit cultists are still in denial about it!
BBC News - Why Europe's farmers are taking their anger to the streets

And they won't be happy about the tariffs being put on their fruit and veg.
"But, across Europe, discontent is often fuelled by anger with EU policies".

Oh dear, it’s not all sweetness and light in the EU, is it?

Luckily, we don’t have to contend with those policies any more. Brexit bonus? Tick. ;)
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"But, across Europe, discontent is often fuelled by anger with EU policies".

Oh dear, it’s not all sweetness and light in the EU, is it?

Luckily, we don’t have to contend with those policies any more. Brexit bonus? Tick. ;)
Yes, everything in uk is sweetness and light and much better now.

Oh no, wrong.
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