God does not exist - discuss

In the very beginning, there was absolutely Nothing, No universe, no planets and no skies, no water. No nothing, not a zilch.

Then suddenly, as if by magic, like in some fairy tail, something STRANGE and unexplainable happened and in a massive expansion (The Big Bang) the universe emerged, it continued to expand and is still expanding and has reached a massive size that most can't even truly comprehend,

But No One is sure How? not even the greatest scientist, but what is the biggest laughing matter from the scientific community is that it came out of Nothing, and they cannot explain what triggered it, the word Magic springs to mind!

But at least Religious people can explain that the universe was created by a God, who himself was omnipresent and eternal, in other words he had always existed.

Let me explain how that is possible for God to have always existed

There can only be two states in a logical statement - TRUE or FALSE

TRUE means Something exists

FALSE means Nothing exists

So by logical conclusion, if from the beginning, NOTHING prevailed , then NOTHING would have have resulted, there would have been no universe or even perhaps God and his infinite Energy, there would be absolutely Nothing, we would not even be here today.

And if Something prevailed, then everything was and is possible, and anything can therefore materialise.

So from this logic it is quite Obvious that something gave rise to our Universe.

Today I can conclude that the universe was created out of this ever present, indestructible and uncreatable Invisible Energy that had been present forever, and shall remain so as per what Einstein has also predicted.

Einstein would be Wrong if this God's infinite Energy had to come from somewhere, so don't even ask, as this question does not even arise, where did this Energy come from, because Einstein clearly stated that Energy cannot be destroyed nor created,

Therefore if Energy cannot be created, there is no question as to where it came from, be logical and use common sense, you don't need a massive billons dollar Hadron Collider to reach this verdict. God's eternal Energy could never have come from anywhere, it always existed, it is simply a state of being, rather than not being at all, a logical state. and no matter what, it shall always prevail. God the energy is eternal and indistructable.

It is this God's mighty Powerful Energy that created this universe.

but how? this question is not easily answerable, and I don't think even the most clever Scientist could answer. But in time they may unfold how God's Energy transformed into matter and what triggered it, and how.

Whether God is Energy or Energy is God, is irrelevant, whether Energy can make decisions and create things when required or whether it is an automatic cyclic process of creation and destruction, no one is sure yet, whether God is a holy spirit (A form of superior Energy capable of commanding the mighty destructive energy is again a guess at best, to prove or reach a positive conclusion may take us millions of years by which time we may not even be here.

Some things just cannot be explained. God and is holy spirit is one of them.

But, but, Don't even talk about Religions, they all are absolutely rubbish and full of Disgust, they incite violence, cruelty, animal sacrifice, blood shed, jihad, fatwa, crucifiction, beheadings, so I can clearly say that all those features are not features of a true loving God, who created life and man destroys it in his holy name.

Religions are revolting, and absolutely disgusting, using God's name in vein, and as an excuse, they are all fake man-made, anybody with a bit of poetry can write thousands upon thousands of pages of Religious text or Poetry and claim they are words from God!

I can write such books too and claim they are from God.

And what if man was fooled by extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet claiming to be God's messengers or angels bringing us God's message. Who cannot fool a man? even the most cleverest man can fall for tricks.
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how is that nonsense, and how do you know when you will die ?
,tommorow is not promised. its very rare someone gets that chance,but if they do play roulette,before they slip into eternity. then yes God would forgive,he is not willing that any should perish.

No point then.
All the rapists and murderers will be 'upstairs' for asking forgiveness and the law abiding decent atheists will be sitting at the late night bar in hell.

Suits me. :D

. if you did end up in hell, you no longer would be an atheist,becuase you would see and be before God, before you was ended in hell, to account for your life.

do you consider yourself a good person.?
Yeah, I'm a good person. I'll die knowing with a clear conscience I led a life of decency, but according to christianity I'm still going to hell.

My point is though, christian morality is f*cked up.
What kind of belief structure teaches people that it's ok to rape, murder and pillage because as long as you renounce your sins you will be able to spend eternity in the comfort of heaven.

Look at Cain and Abel.
The scum bag leads a life of crime and debauchery, the other son leads a life of decency.
The scumbag is rewarded for saying sorry and the good son gets f*ck all.

Where's the morality in that as a teaching.?????
The morality is that it's never too late to change if you really believe it. I knew a kid that was a crook and a gambler. He met a Salvo girl and let God into his life. He's worked for the Salvo's for over 40 years now. It's never too late for the atheists to admit they got it wrong and let God back in their lives. It's up to you. Come home into the light or stay lost in the greyness for the rest of your lives.
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Come home into the light or stay lost in the greyness for the rest of your lives.

That's it you see, religion is based on threats in order to get people to believe.
It's shocking stuff 90.

Having said that ...... Just as I read your post the sun broke through the grey clouds and blinded me for a minute. Maybe it was a sign. :D
A life that has meaning is surely better than one that has no meaning. Look at your kids and tell them they are part of a meaningless existence.
It's simple really. God (there are many - each civilisation creates its own god, of course) was created by man in order to provide a believable explanation for everything that was inexplicable.

As the centuries rolled by, scientific explanations for the inexplicable have appeared. As more and more things are scientifically explained, the need for a god becomes less important.

One day then, logically, there will be no need for a god.

Of course, we atheists don't need one anyway. We just accept that some phenomena still remain to be explained.
It's simple really. God (there are many - each civilisation creates its own god, of course) was created by man in order to provide a believable explanation for everything that was inexplicable.

As the centuries rolled by, scientific explanations for the inexplicable have appeared. As more and more things are scientifically explained, the need for a god becomes less important.

One day then, logically, there will be no need for a god.

Of course, we atheists don't need one anyway. We just accept that some phenomena still remain to be explained.

Would you be an atheist if you were born in Pakistan to pakistani muslim parents??
Would you be an atheist if you were born in Pakistan to pakistani muslim parents??

You may well be. One thing you most definitely would not be is a christian.
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