Going On Holiday? Then read This!

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Questions for Himmy.

1 - Why do you feel like you have to educate everyone?
2 - Why can't you allow people their own opinions?
3 - Why do you feel like you have to educate everyone?
4 - Why are you on this forum - was it random selection?
5 - Why do you feel like you have to educate everyone?
1. I don't
2. I do
3. I don't
4. I enjoy countering myths and misconceptions. Why are you?
5. Same as 1. Did you not realise you've asked the same question twice? :rolleyes:
That's me educating you. :LOL::LOL:
.......... thanks for the lesson teacher - about as valid as the others. I was hoping it might finally sink in that your 'educating via google' is not always wanted or correct.
You're welcome to your opinion, even though I think you're wrong.
Have we learnt anything? Or has this been all a waste of my time?

I think everyone has learnt that your sad desperate life revolves around trying to be clever on internet forums.
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Questions for Himmy.

1 - Why do you feel like you have to educate everyone?
2 - Why can't you allow people their own opinions?
3 - Why do you feel like you have to educate everyone?
4 - Why are you on this forum - was it random selection?
5 - Why do you feel like you have to educate everyone?
1. I don't
2. I do
3. I don't
4. I enjoy countering myths and misconceptions. Why are you?
5. Same as 1. Did you not realise you've asked the same question twice? :rolleyes:
That's me educating you. :LOL::LOL:
.......... thanks for the lesson teacher - about as valid as the others. I was hoping it might finally sink in that your 'educating via google' is not always wanted or correct.
You're welcome to your opinion, even though I think you're wrong.
Have we learnt anything? Or has this been all a waste of my time?

I think everyone has learnt that your sad desperate life revolves around trying to be clever on internet forums.
And yours?
Have we learnt anything? Or has this been all a waste of my time?
I think everyone has learnt that your sad desperate life revolves around trying to be clever on internet forums.
I have rarely if ever agreed with you mitch66 but for one time only, I am in completel accord with you now! Regarding Himaginn, your statement that "(his) sad desperate life revolves around trying to be clever on internet forum" comment is so clearly examples by this: "Have we learnt anything? Or has this been all a waste of my time?", that I am left wondering why the rank and file members haven't taken him to task before now.

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Have we learnt anything? Or has this been all a waste of my time?
I think everyone has learnt that your sad desperate life revolves around trying to be clever on internet forums.
I have rarely if ever agreed with you mitch66 but for one time only, I am in completel accord with you now! Regarding Himaginn, your statement that "(his) sad desperate life revolves around trying to be clever on internet forum" comment is so clearly examples by this: "Have we learnt anything? Or has this been all a waste of my time?", that I am left wondering why the rank and file members haven't taken him to task before now.
If you dislike me, you're welcome to you opinion. However vague unsupportable references and intimations as to why I post don't really cut the mustard.
Or are you being rather underhanded by trying to garner some support for some crusade against me?
Why? Because you don't like my opinions? Because I argue logically, and consistently supported by evidence?

That's extremely underhanded and much worse behaviour from you than I would have expected. Still, I am always open to having my opinion amended by events.
That's extremely underhanded and much worse behaviour from you than I would have expected..
Forever the victim hey? And your own behaviour has absolutely nothing to do with it I guess too.

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Thread has gone way off and is now locked
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