Hate of Women

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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I mostly accepted the small stuff, esp when younger because that was just the way of the world at the time and I was naive. I left my job as a photographers assistant. I have threatened to knee someone in the *******s once. I have shouted blokes down in the pub when they've gone OTT in public so an audience got them to back off - nothing like a bunch of punters jeering to make folk go away. I have told my boss in the office when I worked which went down badly, as it made them uncomfortable, but I had already asked the bloke to not do it quietly to save his embarrassment - I wasn't the only woman in the office he did it to either. The factory stores I worked in I told my brother as he got me the job (I had just left college, I was 17, waiting to start a different course the next year and the bloke who pinned me against the wall was mid 30's). Do I have to swear an oath to you for you to believe me as you seem to be accusing me of something, like am making it up just because your friends haven't had the same experiences? Lucky them I say. I am just an ordinary woman, I was told I was very pretty when I was younger but have always been happy, approachable and confident and never weird around blokes as I grew up with 3 big brothers and their friends. Perhaps that made blokes think they could do what they liked? That I was game because I was fun? I didn't get cynical til I got older.

Friends of mine have experienced some of the same, being followed home at night, unwanted advances in pubs. Having to work twice as hard in male workplace environments to prove herself, to get promoted, like an ophthalmologist childhood friend of mine.

Who do you think he is addressing, what is the message you hear? How do you know bad boys won't watch it? Social media shares, they will watch it. Their friends may watch it. Things spread. You come over that you think this is an attack on all men, says more about you am afraid.

Victim blaming. Wicked. I have now zero respect for you for that comment. I also think you do men a disservice by your green light to harass because the women may be wearing something flirty, like they're all a bunch of cavemen unable to control themselves. How about become an adult and just go up to said woman and see if she'll give you her number for a date sometime? It's NOT an invite to grope or worse on the spot, goodness me.

A bloke justifying the unjustifyable There's a novelty. Sigh.
Move with the times will you? Why would anyone deliberately think it's ok to to do this knowing that one day a woman passing by may get upset/feel intimidated by it? That's ok in your world, again, says more about you. In the most part whistling never bothered me, but when I was younger it did. I think I was about 16 years old when a bunch of builders whistled and leered. I just felt embarrassed and uncomfortable and couldn't wait to get away. That's ok is it?

"Today, a wolf whistle directed at a person is sometimes considered a precursor to sexual harassment, or a form of sexual harassment in itself.[1][2][3]"

Oh dear. You've shown yourself now. Incredibly naive, and making up straw-man arguments to have a go.
Remarkably ignorant of human anthropology.
If you provoke a reaction, get the predicted reaction and complain, you are NOT a victim, you're foolish.

If you didn't desist from the maladaptive behaviour - that would be a psychological problem which can be addressed by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or Reality Therapy which is simpler.

The women whom I know well enough to know they've never been bothered by attention to them, don't share your shortcomings.
There's correlation there, perhaps there's causation as well.
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Oh dear. You've shown yourself now. Incredibly naive, and making up straw-man arguments to have a go.
Remarkably ignorant of human anthropology.
If you provoke a reaction, get the predicted reaction and complain, you are NOT a victim, you're foolish.

If you didn't desist from the maladaptive behaviour - that would be a psychological problem which can be addressed by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or Reality Therapy which is simpler.

The women whom I know well enough to know they've never been bothered by attention to them, don't share your shortcomings.
There's correlation there, perhaps there's causation as well.
Oh dear, how very childish of you and misogynistic.

You can get therapy for that you know.
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Oh dear, how very childish of you and misogynistic.

You can get therapy for that you know.

Nothing to say, then.

You change your assessment rather quickly don't you, a post or two back you said I was respectful.
Sure I respect women, in general, just like men
but it's hard to respect anyone who chooses a path through life to make which predictably makes themselves a victim.
Nothing to say, then.

You change your assessment rather quickly don't you, a post or two back you said I was respectful.
Sure I respect women, in general, just like men
but it's hard to respect anyone who chooses a path through life to make themselves a victim.
What is there to say to you? Nothing. I've been told that I am probably to blame for men's behaviour towards me in my youth and I am chatting to a man who thinks women bring onto themselves due to their clothing. Holy moly, cave man stuff.
There is nothing to say to someone like you, seriously and no, I didn't say you were respectful, please learn to read. You've absolutely no idea, you don't know me and rather than discuss the points in my post, you just blamed me for my experiences!. You then have the barefaced cheek to take the **** when I no longer want to converse with someone who is clearly an misogynistic idiot!

You go on believing that you, as a man, are being victimised when your ego is dented by a footie manager's video. This woman will go dust off her little violin and play you a tune.
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What is there to say to you? Nothing. I've been told that I am probably to blame for men's behaviour towards me in my youth and I am chatting to a man who thinks women bring onto themselves due to their clothing. Holy moly, cave man stuff.
There is nothing to say to someone like you, seriously and no, I didn't say you were respectful, please learn to read. You've absolutely no idea, you don't know me and rather than discuss the points in my post, you just blamed me for my experiences!. You then have the barefaced cheek to take the **** when I no longer want to converse with someone who is clearly an misogynistic idiot!

You go on believing that you, as a man, are being victimised when your ego is dented by a footie manager's video. This woman will go dust off her little violin and play you a tune.

Well you've trotted out a string of oh-so-predictable accusations from the victim-woman's guide, which
a) are not supported by the previous text and
b) leave you as the victim - that's the "payoff" you see, in the life game you're playing, whether you realise it or not.

Take a look at Reality Therapy. Who loses? You do. What do I lose - nothing. I'm just a respectful bloke who's been told you've had a load of bother, which others haven't, and I've commented on that fact - that most haven't, from the women I know. Including the one who's just arrived home.

You lose, I don't, but you want to make it my fault!

AlI I said about Gareth's video was that it wouldn't help. "Women haters" won't take any notice of that sort of worthiness.
But you try to turn that to be a criticism of me which sets you off on the misogynist claptrap routine.
It "says something about me" does it? It says I've met a few of these women-haters who aren't so careful to say what they mean to another man so I can guess their reaction; they aren't very complicated.

Men's urges towards women are in the DNA, nobody put them there. Civilised society moderates them cognitively and with laws. So we try to control things - move the pivot on the to and fro.
The most obvious problem is the internet, where it's very difficult to execute laws. I could make a new account here, totally anonymously, and write what I like. It's free, and easy, it only takes a little knowledge. Unless all posts are pre-moderated, you will see it, before someone complains and it's taken down. That's an example of the way the world IS. Right now there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it.
So deal with it in a non-self-destructive way (maladaptive = psych term for self-destructive reaction).

Would you let a 15 year old daughter go off to a club with her breasts/backside barely covered? No of course not. Why - because of the attention she'd likely get from the "animals" in the club. That's the point, they are animals, human animals. It's the species you're part of.
In the same way you try to protect that 15 yr old, you do what you can to protect yourself, right? Or do you just provoke without restraint, "because you should be able to if you want to", and wail victim when you get more attention than you wanted?
Whatever you do, as we all know, some undesirable attention you just have to ignore, though in some cases that's going to be difficult. At some point you need to do something about it, that's nasty. That's where we are at the moment - no it's not satisfactory.

You may well have to kick off big time to get laws changed, penalties increased, and the rest, but don't just rail against innocent men like me, and try to justify it by accusing us - you'll just get treated with contempt. That completes a circle for some people, so you get more of the same.
I don't think all men would feel guilty though would they? I mean, if you're a man who treats women with respect then absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. My partner is a good bloke, he just thinks men who are like that are idiots, but he doesn't apologise for them or feel guilty he is a man and nor should he - he separates himself from those kind of people.

When I see videos like this by Gareth, I don't see him talking to anyone other than the kind of blokes who do abuse online etc. I don't see why normal, rational blokes would get so upset about this video because it's nothing to do with them.

What do they class as sexual harassment? looking, whistling, some comments taken out of context? Do these women confront the "harassers" and tell them what they are doing makes them uncomfortable? Many women like dressing up and getting compliments, some see a complement as harassment, so if blokes don't know what is and what isn't OK, there will always be problems. Females make up about 51% of the population, so in theory they should be more likely to be murdered than males, but males are more likely to be murdered, so should their safety be more or less important than females?
From my stance since I have been back, the only people that have been nasty to me are you and Mitch.

I'm not a nasty person and I'm not full of hate. I dont dislike you,. There is no one on this forum I dislike not even Nostril.
How can I? We don't know one another. We just disagree.

I don't dislike the left. I think of the left as being caring people yet get very spiteful if someone doesn't agree with them.

The strongest words I've used towards you are; that your up your own arse and you don't like it up ya in regards that you like to give it but don't like it back.

I want equality as much as you, if your going to use words like prick and tosser to describe others, then expect a bit back.

This all started because I said boys get told by their bosses to make tea. You then ask have I ever been pinned up by a man?
And so on. Or words to that effect


Do I know what's it like to be a woman?????????

You was talking about making tea.

As for you bringing up my 10 & 12 year old girls. Do you not think I worry about them. Apart from my Dad the most important people in my life are female. How would I not want them to be safe and get the same opportunity as boys/men.

If my Dulcie took up football then I'm sure I'd take up supporting her.
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Suzi Quatro would have a tale or two to tell about being the headline act with her own band back in the early 70s when facing down men in the audience who had one too many Watney's. She could take banter with the band but they always, always knew where the line was and any man crossed that line at their peril. She was sexy, sassy and smart as a whip.
Strong women have always provoked a reaction from men who don't like the challenge to their self-identity but nowadays have to deal with a very different culture as women find strength in numbers and stronger legal protection.
The problem stems from feminism and women who don't know when to stop protesting without any reasonable attempt to accept a compromise.
I think we've reached a nadir in the 'Battle of the Sexes' when politicians are asked to give their definition of what a woman is; a female author is hounded online because she's very clear about what a woman is, and university campus' seething with Woke witterings about what a woman should be.
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