my sis wants me to fit a house alarm to her property.
can i use a feed from the lighting circuit with a fcuto power it up?.
also if i decide to go from the ring main and run off a spur instead, where could i tap into the ring main as all cables buried, only cables in the consumer unit and i believe you cant wire 2 live cables into 1 fuse, ie the live from alarm unit into a fuse already in use.
any help
my sis wants me to fit a house alarm to her property.
can i use a feed from the lighting circuit with a fcuto power it up?.
also if i decide to go from the ring main and run off a spur instead, where could i tap into the ring main as all cables buried, only cables in the consumer unit and i believe you cant wire 2 live cables into 1 fuse, ie the live from alarm unit into a fuse already in use.
any help