I want to fit a new alarm panel to existing system (Ed.)

Yes apparently its the newer current one.! (phew) - he did just say it was last flashed about a year ago...
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So should be version 3 or 4, which is update able via the cloud portal.

The elite panel what version is that?

You need version 4 to use the smart com and version 5 and above to flash the panel remotely,
Version 6 and above to use Texecom. monitor(some arcs are allowing end users)

There is a fair chance it will be version 5 or above if things were done in the last year.
Not sure - ive not got it yet but ill take some photos...the one above is my original panel - thats about 15+ years old...i just assumed that was kinda dead in the water from a functionality point of view....

Im not worried about the texecom monitor service...i would like the app functionality and the ability to configure on my pc (i get lost in the panel config) its just a sea of menus !!

I lost the usb to com cable so ordered another one last night then, as SparkyMarka said ill hook that up to the old panel and then download the current config from that.... then go from there...the one thats coming is in one of the plastic boxes (with the front missing) so im gonna transfer it to the large metal box that the old one is in...apparently the mounting holes for the psu are different but i can redrill it to get it to fit in - that shouldnt be an issue...

Off the cuff question is the old panel worth anything or is there anything i can do with it...?
a very early 48 by the look of things, see the com port 2 adapter in the expansion port.

Its a shame Texecom dont look at the expansion port again for an extra coms port as its rarely used these days.
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Yeah - i gather its pretty useless then! - is the ethernet module still used or is the SmartCom box a replacement for that now?
The smart com is the way to go now, although comip module can be used, often used now for home automation integrations
Ok - Well without putting up a photo with the passphrase on etc etc heres whats on there....

PartNo: CEL-0001 21 Type: CELA1000 2 - not sure if that would give the model number.?

On the main Elite board on the cpu: LS1 V3.02.00 the texecom year on there is 2014 D5115-02.04 on a smaller chip its got a green sticker with V2.1.2

Ive not got the USB cable yet so once ive got that ill read of the old config and get started....

Ironically i did see a guy on you tube using an ip connection for talking to Home assistant which i do use...so i could hook up the ip module to the other com port??
Okay well the panel can be flashed up the wireless expander can’t,

So you got a 48-W in a poly box?

The smart com can’t be used on the panel until it’s flashed up.

You can power the smart com up and log into its interface. Can’t remember how much info is in the interface to be honest as look at the version numbers on the app.
Also you can’t put that in the metal case IF you want to use the wireless side as it is
Plus you will need to transfer some of the devices to the XP200 as you only have 4 onboard zones on that panel , think you have made more work by buying the 48W
Ok - so first and foremost - yes it came in the plastic box....while ive got no wireless stuff at the moment it would be nice to use it if i feel the need so it can stay in the plastic box then!

Whats the wireless expander?

Ive made more work by buying the 48? (probably my lack of knowledge) so i apologise for that! - lol - its a barage of information so im not sure what im doing with what!! So, trying to put this together in my head im still a bit of a loss of what ive got, what i can use and what needs flashing..!

Heres my current thinking...

1. Take the old metal box off of the wall...mount the new (to me) one...
2. Without anything connected (and powered) hook up the usb module and flash the latest firmware.
3. Then attach the smart com and try to flash that.
4. Then connect extenders (and ive not thought any further than that!) :)
Unfortunately you need the usb com cable and the flasher unit to flash the panel.

You dont have a front cover and not adviseable to have it setup with out, its also an older panel which will limit what the unit is capable of adding wirelessly.

To flash the panel up you need a usb com and an elite flasher the good news is you should be able to flash the panel to a 64-W without ill affect according to Texecom. However you will not be able to flash the wireless expander side up and the design has changed of the wireless expander so much you would have very lmited options on wireless devices

How about we start with what you want the system to do and we look at the best way of achieving that with what you have got.
Ok - so to go in order ive got the usb com cable on order - i did think it was going to arrive today but no by the looks of it! - whats the "flasher unit"?

It does have a front cover! (he said it didnt but, it came with one) so all good there!

Flash to a 64-W - im guessing that gives me more zones?

With regards to what i want....well first and foremost to transfer all the devices (mine are all wired) to the new panel. My slack mate (last time he waas here about 5 years ago) started to add in devices to my garage to protect that...currently in there, there is a live panel, cabling in for a pir above the door (inside) and a loudspeaker....cabling is in...but i cant say whats connected at the moment...i was kinda not touching anything til had everything and was ready to go..!

Id say from a wireless devices point of view...everything thats currently here has a cable going to it...but as i say if i could get some wireless devices fitted that would be great....id even almost say as i only paid 85 quid for the panel and the smartcom the smartcom itself is worth that much so if i go well and learn - maybe ill update the 48 to something current?!
Yes and no to more zones. The panel has 4 hardwired zones and one 32 zone expander.

It will allow you to add more zones by adding expanders or keypads.

You have 12 zones available currently on that 4 on the panel and 8 on the powered expander.

How many hardwired zones do you need.
ok- im not really too sure - quite a few i think.....a zone being a keypad, pir, door break, smoke alarm etc etc.....

In total (adding it up in my head...)
4x Smoke Alarms
3x Keypads
3x PIR's
3x Door Breakers
1x xp200 next to the panel - and theres an expander in there as well?
2x Internal Sirens
2x Bell Boxes

If i can get it all working im sure theres more id like to add if i could?

All the above stuff has existing wiring going to it or already connected...

Nice to have wirelessly if i could
2x Door Breakers
2x PIR's

That being said what can be connected wirelessly...just wondered...

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