If Brexit doesn't happen

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But in what shape or form?

The worst form and they will rejoice it as a cleansing and the rapture shall take them to their promised land. Belief is a wonderful thing in the hands of a con man.
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Brexit will happen

Let's accept that you cannot provide any financial benefits of brexit. And that you won't make a statement to that effect.

But can you then please tell us, what brexit is ?

It was voted for, we nearly have it. And I still have no idea what it is.

Can you try and explain why the 52% voted for something that can't be explained ?

Maybe it was just a vote about immigration ( I can accept that as an answer), but then try and explain how brexit will cure the immigration issue?

Who is most confused about brexit? Remainers? or brexiteers? I have to admit I am confused and don't understand it, or the specific benefits
The supporters of Brexit are predominantly older people. Perhaps they should register a protest by returning their pension payments.

I wouldn't recommend another march, it would be too humiliating for them.
Why do you think that is? Why should they return their pension payments that they have spent a lifetime paying into? Why will a march of victors be humiliating?
Let's accept that you cannot provide any financial benefits of brexit. And that you won't make a statement to that effect.

But can you then please tell us, what brexit is ?

It was voted for, we nearly have it. And I still have no idea what it is.

Can you try and explain why the 52% voted for something that can't be explained ?

Maybe it was just a vote about immigration ( I can accept that as an answer), but then try and explain how brexit will cure the immigration issue?

Who is most confused about brexit? Remainers? or brexiteers? I have to admit I am confused and don't understand it, or the specific benefits

Do you have all this canned? Just the same copy pasta that will cause nothing but a merry-go-round of boredom and insults.

But can you then please tell us, what brexit is ?

No, because our government doesn't know what brexit is yet. I think you could have better worded your question and asked 'can you please tell us what kind brexit you want', in which case I could simply say the one I was told I would be voting for.

That is unless you have forgotten what Cameron told us.
Why should they return their pension payments that they have spent a lifetime paying into?
If you had any understanding of the state pension system in the UK, you would realise that national insurance is paid by people of working age to fund the pensions of the older generations...

You don't actually accrue your own 'pot'...You accrue a 'right' to what others are currently contributing.
(It's a ponzi scheme btw ;))

Thus the wrinklies who voted to leave are relying on the younger generations to fund their retirement.

But they have screwed up the opportunities of those younger generations, so maybe they should be made to pay the price!
If you had any understanding of the state pension system in the UK, you would realise that national insurance is paid by people of working age to fund the pensions of the older generations...

You don't actually accrue your own 'pot'...You accrue a 'right' to what others are currently contributing.
(It's a ponzi scheme btw ;))

Thus the wrinklies who voted to leave are relying on the younger generations to fund their retirement.

But they have screwed up the opportunities of those younger generations, so maybe they should be made to pay the price!

All hypotheticals and selfishness.

You really do make me cringe you know. You and John D. Disgusting pair.

**** the wrinklies, England is mine and it owes me a living.
I think you could have better worded your question and asked 'can you please tell us what kind brexit you want', in which case I could simply say the one I was told I would be voting for.
So what were you told?

In or out?
(it said that on the referendum paper)

If it was that simple then you were voting for a hard brexit if you voted out, and the 'status quo' if you voted remain...

So can you explain then why there are any 'negotiations' going on at all ?

Quitters and remainers have one thing in common though - being screwed over by political/commercial machinations!
As an old person who voted remain I find JohnD's continued insults (and him generally) to be obnoxious.

Any similar statements from anyone else about anything else would be pounced on and refuted using every link he and his office staff could find.

So you are wrong - it would appear that I was not alone.
in fact only 61% of old people voted leave - only 9 %age points more than the overall total.
.......................39% VOTED TO REMAIN.
It seem to be being copied by others now. What is it about repeating a lie often enough?

Therefore will you please stop this agist rant and continued reference to our imminent death.


All hypotheticals and selfishness.

You really do make me cringe you know. You and John D. Disgusting pair.
We probably make you cringe because it's so easy to point out that whenever you open your gob, bovine excrement pours out...

With an added topping of hatred!
As an old person who voted remain I find JohnD's continued insults (and him generally) to be obnoxious.
.......................39% VOTED TO REMAIN.

But the percentage of young people who voted to remain is?

Oh that's right, 75%

And if you look at you very own graph, the urge to leave increases stepwise by age...

So who stands to lose the most according to their preference?

Thus it is simply the age demographic that is being criticised!
We probably make you cringe because it's so easy to point out that whenever you open your gob, bovine excrement pours out...

With an added topping of hatred!

You can't be for real, after all the crap you've just posted.

Thus the wrinklies who voted to leave are relying on the younger generations to fund their retirement.

Your ageism is clear. You are just as prejudice as anyone else.

Why would you be so insecure to think people in retirement age have ruined your future prospects?
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