Jimmy Saville

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Speaking as one who has just gone through a “Bullying and Harassment” case at work, which took two years before ending in a big fat nothing, I can see exactly why people wouldn’t speak out or be very reluctant!!!

We don’t, (you can’t), go through life with a video camera or audio recorder 24/7 to catch smoking gun scenarios against someone!

Even if you do get ‘something’ it’s not as easy as you may think to present evidence which was effectively taken without consent. My case was, or should have been, cast iron with testimonies from witnesses and email accounts etc.

So please, before anyone begins stating how they would have done this or you should have reported that – my guess is you’re probably talking from inexperience on these matters. That's not to say you should do nothing; I'm just telling you the reality of what is most likely to be a major uphill battle...
So, in other words, we all sit back and do nothing.
For your information, we, as parents, have just gone through the various processes regarding serious offences occasioned against one of our daughters.
My gut reaction was to introduce the culprit to my mate billy the bat - and also the teacher who tried to cover it up!
Common sense dictated though that the proper channels were used.
That does not however mean there is not a dead man walking in Shipley West Yorkshire.

The issue i have is with this so called expert. s** all you can do with Saville, whatever he did or did not do. The question is why he hasn't hounded those who now claim to have known what they say he is guilty of.
They, if true, covered up for him and that makes them guilty too!
No matter how they try and claim otherwise. Shame on them.

Like I said - 'B' listers had self interest 'IF' they covered up for him. NOW- the same 'B' listers-again may have self interests- to elevate them to 'B+' listing..
TV people live in a very strange fickle world . :cry:
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Childline founder Esther Rantzen, who was a presenter at the BBC in the 1970s, said people in the television world had 'colluded' with the star and 'blocked their ears to the gossip.'

So either Rantzen tried to do something (investigate or report him etc. thereby believeing the rumours) and was blocked, or she also colluded. She isn't saying which, which puts her in a particularly bad light in all of this.

I must admit I wasn't suprised by these allegations, as one hear jokes/rumours, but that in no way makes him guilty. No matter how unlikeable he may have been.

Here is an article by the documentary maker:
http://www.williams-thomas.co.uk/?q=system/files/Exposure - The Other Side of Jimmy Savile.pdf

Apologies if its already been put up.
So, in other words, we all sit back and do nothing.
No no no.
That's not to say you should do nothing; I'm just telling you the reality of what is most likely to be a major uphill battle...
My work colleague has been most affected by it, (himself a victim of abuse from childhood as I later discovered), but he hadn't the temerity to do anything. He literally kissed my feet when I launched the process but, sadly, it was all but swept under the carpet. :evil:

Not bigging myself up, but I was never in fear of him because let's just say I knew he was a full of sh1t
and I can look after myself.

All I was saying is that for some or most people it takes an incredible amount of courage to do anything and even then it may come back to bite you. (Don't expect other witnesses to come forward or back you up either; there are no guarantees).

In other words don’t count on the system to work for you and it's that which is most likely to put people off in my experience; that and the difficulty getting evidence or proof in the first place. :(
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It wasn't just the girls who are now brave enough to come forward that he intimidated. He also managed to get his way with more powerful people who we would have expected to do something about it.

As I said early on, my source (and I have forgotten who it was, it was over 25 years ago, I heard it on a ward round or something) told me Stoke Mandeville didn't do anything because they didn't want to lose his charity money. They just booted him out of the nurses home and it seemed both sides thought that was as far as it needed to go. Gambiccini (sp) now says that he made the same threat to a national newspaper and so they didn't publish. Now we have Rantzen telling us that she suspected he was a kiddie fondler, but did nothing. If you were a builder who put a dodgy roof up her program would be all over you like flies on sh!t, but a paedophile who was in her circle she did nothing. She set up that Childline FFS, why didn't she call the 800 line herself with the confidential info.

So it's vitally important that this is investigated to the full. The powerful people who apparently allowed Saville to continue his habit need to be dragged through the dirt and it looks Saville should be too.

I remember being shocked when he got his knighthood, if I had heard about his behaviour and I'm just a nobody, then wtf were those in high places who knew what he was up to thinking?
It's a proven fact- that when a woman gets to her 40s- her state of mind changes .
How many men do we know that when his wife gets into her 40s she suddenly goes ga ga ?.
It seems there are more women coming forward now, looks like we've only seen the tip of the iceberg so far.
As chapeau says there should be a lot of people answering some awkward questions about this scumbag.
I can’t remember the figure but I know only a small percentage of women actually pursue cases of rape. The reasons are varied from not being believed, not being supported, the shame or stigma of it, proof and like I’ve said already, fear.

Years ago, I had a friend come knocking on my door late at night, early morning, absolutely beside herself with grief. She didn’t, (couldn’t), tell me why but it became evident during the conversation when she phoned her mother from my place without her actually using the word. If I could have traced the ****head I would have cut his balls off myself but my point is how do you prove these things beyond doubt?

As said, there isn’t a video camera following us around. Well, this country is getting damn close to it but that’s a separate topic...
This is purported to be an out take from a series of Have I got news for you. I don't know if it's genuine or not, if it is maybe it will come out.

Out-take 3:09'36
During the headline round:
DEAYTON: You used to be a wrestler didn't you?
SAVILLE: I still am.
DEAYTON: Are you?
SAVILLE: I'm feared in every girls' school in the country.
(Audience laugh)
DEAYTON: Yeah, I've heard about that.
SAVILLE: What have you heard?
DEAYTON: I've...
MERTON: Something about a **** with a rancid, pus-filled cock.
(Huge audience laugh; Awkward pause)
SAVILLE: I advise you to wash your mouth out, my friend...
MERTON: That's what she had to do! (Audience laughs)
HISLOP: Weren't you leaving money in phone boxes or something?
(Saville glares at him) Or have I got completely the wrong end of the...
SAVILLE: (To Deayton, heavily) The question you asked was about wrestling.
DEAYTON: Yes. And then you mentioned girls' schools. I don't know whe...
SAVILLE: Well I understood this was a comedy programme. I realise now how wrong I was. (Audience laugh)
DEAYTON: So were you a professional wrestler?
SAVILLE: Yes I was.
DEAYTON: (To audience) Glad we got that cleared up.(Pulls face; audience giggles)
HISLOP: Feared by every girls' school in the country...
SAVILLE: That's right.
MERTON: Due to having a rancid, pus-filled cock.(Huge audience laugh)
HISLOP: You're on top form tonight, Paul...
SAVILLE: (Strangely) I'm...this is not what I...
FLOOR MANAGER: (OOV) OK, do you...(inaudible section)...shall we, for pick-ups...
MERTON: I'm terribly sorry. I don't know what came over me.
SAVILLE: A pus-filled cock, I imagine. (Shocked audience laugh)
MERTON: Oh, it's nice to see you joining in. We'd been waiting for you, you sad senile old ****ter. (Audience appears to do double-take)
DEAYTON: I think we...d-d-you you want to apologise to our guest, Paul?
MERTON: Sorry, I do apologise. Sir senile old ****ter, is what I meant to say.
(Audience laugh; pause) Sir senile old ****ter...who ****s minors.
(Audience unrest)
HISLOP: Sorry, I'm just looking at our lawyer again. (Waves) Hello!
(Audience laughs)
DEAYTON: Shall we get back on course with this, or sha...
SAVILLE: I do **** miners, that's quite correct. I have always done so. They can do the most wonderful things with cigars. The coal...
MERTON: What, they stick them up your senile, pus-filled arse?
(Audience laughs)
FLOOR MANAGER: (OOV): Come on...I'm getting an ear-bashing here. It's...
MERTON: Oh they want to continue. Sorry, I'll contain myself. Carry on...
DEAYTON: Right (Pause) You used to be a professional wrestler didn't you?
(Huge audience laugh)
SAVILLE: (Calmly) I did.
DEAYTON: You didn't have a nickname or anything?
SAVILLE: Yes - 'Loser'. (Audience laughs)
Out-take 4: 21'20
Following a discussion about caravans:
DEAYTON: Last month, Roger Moore sold his luxury caravan in Malta. Asked by the...
MERTON: I visited your caravan the other week, Jimmy.
SAVILLE: Did you really?
MERTON: Oh yes. Interesting what you can find, if you have a bit of a poke.
(Audience laugh)
HISLOP: He just told you, it was twelve years ago...
SAVILLE: No, I lived in it for twelve years.
MERTON: And ****ed twelve year olds. (Audience laugh)
DEAYTON: Here we go again...I'll be backstage if anyone wants me.
MERTON: (Indicating Saville) That's what you said to the kids on your show, wasn't it?
(Audience laugh)
SAVILLE: No, they never did want me.
HISLOP: Not even Sarah Cornley?
SAVILLE: She was an exception.
DEAYTON: Who's Sarah Cornley?
SAVILLE: Sarah Cornley is...
HISLOP: About fifteen grand in damages, wasn't she?
(Uncertain audience laugh)
SAVILLE: That's right.
HISLOP: So if I was going to mention that you threatened to break her arm if she said anything...
SAVILLE: You'd be very wrong. (Pause) I said I'd break both her arms.
(Audience unease)
MERTON: ****ing hell. I mean, you're just sitting there, all shell suit and cigar wearing those ****ing...I don't know what they are.
SAVILLE: Chrome-plated SC-700 sun-visors, these are. Sent to me by...
MERTON: We don't give a ****. Ladies and gentlemen, Sir James Saville OBE. Jim has fixed it for me to have my arms broken. Meet this depressing old ****ed up **** of a ****er on television who's riddled with cancer and ****ing pubic lice.
HISLOP: (To lawyer again) Hello! (Audience laughs)
MERTON: Christ, I mean ha ha, big ****ing joke - the ****ing lawyers are involved, tee hee. It doesn't change anything.
DEAYTON: (Visibly out of character) Do you wanna stop, or...?
MERTON: No I don't ****ing want to stop. It's all ****! You'll expect a comedy walkout in a minute, won't you? I mean, big bloody joke - I'm going to quote Shakespeare in a minute, how ****ing out of character. And Ian knows about football - oh my ****ing sides.
SAVILLE: You've never ****ed anyone in your life, boy.
MERTON: Oh **** off...
FLOOR MANAGER: (OOV) ...About five minutes, just to...(Phil Davey enters)
PHIL DAVEY: OK, well top that as they say. You're looking troubled by that, aren't you mate? I tell you, I came back from Amsterdam recently...
DEAYTON: OK. Second time lucky. (Pause) Last month, Roger Moore sold his luxury caravan in Malta. Asked by the New York Times about his relaxed acting style...

edit Apparently it was a hoax. Though if it was, it was obviously done by someone who knew what this character was like.
Havent followed this and can't be arsed to read.

TL:DR, is he a kiddy fiddler, or did he chase 14 year old skirts.

Not that chasing 14 year old skirts is a good thing, but it's not really paedophilia.

Not that chasing 14 year old skirts is a good thing, but it's not really paedophilia.
:eek: :eek:

Some girls at 14 can look pretty adult, others are still babies. From what I've seen and heard now ,I'd say he was a kiddy fiddler big time. And a predatory one at that.
Not that chasing 14 year old skirts is a good thing, but it's not really paedophilia.
:eek: :eek:

look up Hebephile & Ephebophile (attraction to early and late pubescence)

Also please don't tell me you don't steal glances at <16 year old schoolgirls in their uniforms.

cus if you claim that you are either a liar/woman/eunuch.
look up Hebephile & Ephebophile (attraction to early and late pubescence)
Couldn't be less interested. :rolleyes:

Also please don't tell me you don't steal glances at <16 year old schoolgirls in their uniforms.
There's a big difference between casting an admiring glance at a young girl and putting your hand up her skirt or your tongue down her throat.
Or using your celebrity/money/experience to tempt her into a vulnerable position and then taking advantage with no regard to her feelings. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Couldn't be less interested. :rolleyes:

Reading is hard.

There's a big difference between casting an admiring glance at a young girl and putting your hand up her skirt or your tongue down her throat.

Also a big difference between that and paedophilia.

Or using your celebrity/money/experience to tempt her into a vulnerable position and then taking advantage with no regard to her feelings. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

But once they turn 16 this is OK?


So what difference does it make if they are 14 or 16.

Like I said, it's not nice or good, but it's a world away from chasing pre-pubescent.
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