A couple of years ago I was getting out of my car in a multi-storey car park when a 16 year old lad ran past holding a car stereo with all the wires dangling down and being chased by a load of people about 50 yards behind.

I chased him down the street, caught up with him, pinned him to the ground and made a citizens arrest just as BoxBasher suggested.

The lad wasn't going anywhere with me sat on top of him and all was going well until the crowd caught up (one of whom was the owner of the car with the missing stereo) and started kicking seven flavours of sh*te out of him :LOL:

My wife, meanwhile, had done the 999 thing and a couple of minutes later the dibble arrived.

The lad was screaming blue murder by now (with me still sat on top of him) and it took a little explaining why he looked like a train crash victim ... Fortunately for everyone he was an obnoxious little scroat who was well known to the police so they did the "fell over and scraped his face on the floor did he Sir?" trick ;)

Police officer did say, though, that it would have been a very different story had the waste of good breathing air been under 16 ... It does make you wonder whether being a good citizen is all its cracked up to be :rolleyes:
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I think that is the whole point megawatt. I understand what people are saying here..FFS I had my car broken into only a few days ago and that really hacked me off..only an old iPod and a digi camera for work was stolen from the centre console, but it is over £300 for the blooming Glass!

Had I caught them then I like to think I would only have used "reasonable force", but I cannot hand on heart say that would be the case. However had they been obvious children, what the hell do I do. I'm a big bloke and if I have a go at anyone, I really need good cause to prevent being nicked.

I am not saying this Guy was right or wrong, I wasn't there so I don't know the level of force used, but on the face of things, he may have gone over board and that could explain the sentence when you take into account the lad likely never meant to kill him.

To a large degree the blame comes back to the Government and shiite parenting. The Police have some responsibility IF they actually failed to curb the loutish behaviour, but it is difficult to comment accurately without knowing all the facts and perhaps being a witness.
Sparky Jim said:
only an old iPod and a digi camera for work was stolen from the centre console

You didn't think to at least put temptation out of sight??

FFS, in some places they'll break in for a pound coin.

Personally, if I left something valuable on display & it was nicked, I'd blame myself.
I agree, I parked outside the newsagents to pop in and get a lottery ticket and, when I got back, someone had broken in and stolen the wife!

I contacted the police and reported the theft of course ... Eventually :LOL:
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Big Sparky Jim said:
only an old iPod and a digi camera for work was stolen from the centre console
Could have been worse - if you'd been carrying someone else's tools and been stopped by the police they might have arrested you.
True :LOL:

Once I'd shown them a recent photo they put out an APB ...

"Attention requested to suspect in connection with possible abduction of woman from car outside newsagents. Suspect probably male, short sighted, and suffering mental health problems. Approach with extreme caution!"

I put up a £5 reward though as a gesture of goodwill.
securespark said:
Sparky Jim said:
only an old iPod and a digi camera for work was stolen from the centre console

You didn't think to at least put temptation out of sight??

FFS, in some places they'll break in for a pound coin.

Personally, if I left something valuable on display & it was nicked, I'd blame myself.

The items were out of sight, as I said they were in the centre consol which has a storage bin in it, they were in there. My grandson now has a new Ipod and has it surgically attached to his ears again.
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