Lost DS

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
My eldest (9) has lost his DS.

Does anyone have any idea where it is?

If you can help him find it, he's prepared to share his next pack of post-swimming Walkers Max crisps.

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My eldest daughter has lost her i-pod i bet it is in the same place.
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Ive just returned from sweden and I didnt see it there, sorry :oops:
Under his pillow/bed?
in his school bag?

Has he got a brother/sister thats mislaid it?

been there .... got t-shirt. :D

Also got a DS in bits in a placcy bag
Thanks, guys!




WDIK...Thanks for looking anyway

Matty...No, No, Most probably yes!

123...Don't know!

Trazor...Quite possibly! ;)
its either down the side of the bed or he has "lost" it at school and has mysteriously gained something he didnt have last week
Nope, he's pretty forward for a 9 yo, but not that forward!

I am going to move all the furniture in the house in an effort to locate the thing...

It's never been to school, so I know for sure it is not there.
I'm with kirkgas. Either one of friends has got it, or he's sold it on eBay.
why dont they put an alarm button on them that you can press when you lose it? :)
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