Meet the people in work but living rough on the streets

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
If these people cancelled their Netflix subscription and stopped drinking lattes everyday they could afford to buy their own home

Meet the people in work but living rough on the streets​

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Disposable labour; human bacon.
You will own nothing and be happy.
MBK says they need to work harder. Why would they waste time sleeping for instance.
Grant Shapps offers an expert opinion having once spent a night sleeping rough.

Next week they can interview myself on how it feels to be a Rockefeller having spent a night at the Beverly Hills Hilton.:cool:
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He should go to a beach in Dover, get in with those jumping off of dinghy's, say nothing and he'll get housed, fed, clothed, be given a mobile phone, be given internet access, dental care, healthcare etc.
And lose his right to work. :rolleyes:

That's called forcing people into the role that allows you to criticise them based on your intial pigeonholing. :rolleyes:
Anyone who lives in a tent and manages to motivate themselves to do a days work needs commending.
Anyone who lives in a tent and manages to motivate themselves to do a days work needs commending.
Yeah that's tough. As a student I went to Toronto and got a job whilst staying at a youth hostel that was hard enough.

There are people living in a tent working at Amazon or sports direct - what a life, a sh1t job and a sh1t place to live.
He should go to a beach in Dover, get in with those jumping off of dinghy's, say nothing and he'll get housed, fed, clothed, be given a mobile phone, be given internet access, dental care, healthcare etc.

So you would prefer it if they were allowed to work.
Yeah that's tough. As a student I went to Toronto and got a job whilst staying at a youth hostel that was hard enough.

There are people living in a tent working at Amazon or sports direct - what a life, a sh1t job and a sh1t place to live.
This could go like another thread did.

It's all down to how you struggle through apparantly
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