Middle East Solution

The problem here is that when you say "the Human race"... you imagine a group of like-minded similarly evolved animals... yet we are far from that... we have so many, so very different variations... and these variations find it so easy to fall out... whether it be over tangible objects..(stones, jewels, books), or land masses (case in point),. or beliefs....

We are so very typically a tribal beast. and no matter how hard governments or committees get together, we'll still prefer one tribe to another.

The only realistic way to move a crisis to safer ground is to appeal on behalf of massive human suffering, but even that may not work...

Apart from that then it's an alien attack... a visit from my mob... with our rayguns.. (no, not Reagans!!!!! don't worry, we didn't get inseminated !).
There may be a chance that humans could stick together... but it's unlikely even then !..

Good luck earthlings !
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