More Tory pals making a mint out of the poor

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more offtopic diversion from stalker fantasist mottie.
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Thread topic headline reads: "....making a mint..."

Reminds me of a French prostitute called Polo....

....made a mint out of her hole.:mrgreen:
Where the f uck is "Euerope"? Are we supposed to believe data from a site that can’t even spell Europe?

Does that matter. It's likely to be correct anyway.

There is nothing new about free school meals. When I was at school teachers took some trouble to hide the fact that some where getting them. Requirements have to be met to get them. As with any benefit there may be some degree of "cheating" but it's a fact of life that the numbers that do with all of them are so incredibly low little can be spent on prevention. Political noises in this area are very popular with a proportion of people who vote for a certain party and always have been along with crime and some other areas. School meals have the privatisation problem that is typical in situations where there wont be any true competition. It's a utility really.

PPE etc. Gov can't organise deals with loads of small companies. When they have gone to companies that do similar and told them what to make it hasn't always worked out. Loads of people would love the business as there will be plenty of money in it. Yes establishment school friends do figure as these are the people that gravitate upwards anyway due to their advantages which aren't just having school friends. Graft of some sort is also likely to figure at times which might mean have the business providing X appears in my bank balance or you send me nice xmas presents, free holiday etc. This sort of thing even goes on in business. After all people aren't spending their own money.
This is why politics and the political system interests and frustrates me in equal measure. And if we're being honest, it will never change. Power corrupts and all that. Are there decent politicians out there? Of course. However there are also a significant number of career politicians that talk a good game but often know diddly squat about anything other than trying to progress their careers and those of their buddies.

I liken it to the workplace. Those that talk a good game are often the ones that climb the career ladder to senior management level. However, many (although not all) of them aren't actually that great at management or leadership, relying heavily on those around them and the lower ranks.

Call me a pessimist but things like this (the OPs point) will forever be an issue. As I touched on, power and greed corrupts, it has always been thus and will always be so. If anyone thinks otherwise they're deluded.
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