Our planet

All of our lives are nothing but one big hypocritical existence as far as saving the planet is concerned
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People complain about little Englanders..

But to be honest maybe thats what we need.

For example, the village I live in, was built for a factory,

In the village was a butchers, bakers grocers, the village had it's own farm which produced 80% of the food products,

The village had it's own pub, department store, doctors, dentist. There wasn't a need to leave the village and few people did, there was mostly single track roads everywhere few people owned cars etc, over the years the farm sold it's land to the highest bidder, the farm house became an old people's home, the factory shut due to imports from China, the dentist went due to lack of funding. The cinema closed due to our of town complexes. The department store burnt down but was rebuilt to a quarter of its size and became a local small co op because of big out of town supermarkets etc.

The village is no longer self sufficient, everyone has to drive everywhere, the fields around the village are being bought by developers for more and more housing, so much so the village is almost becoming a town.

This has gone on up and down the country and the world.
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T, it’s all our fault! (Gas engineers)

yep we have played our part

wat do any one actually do
Sort there rubbish into bins

buy some goods that is claimed to be green as opposed to not being green because they have the luxury of being able to afford it

mean while they fly out to there foreign holidays go on there cruises were the ships burn bunker quality fuel

The gardeners put down there slug pellets and spray there flowers for pests and grizzle about worm casts and kin moles

golfers going on there golf courses were the ground is poisoned to kill worms so they can have a game

same with bowling out doors

use there barbecues and wood burners

jeez us wept it’s all a joke
In 100 odd years some places will cease to exist or unable to sustain a population places like



they will be under water / flooded

the artic ice caps are melting at a sustained rate and cannot be stopped
How come when we were young /
We returned drink bottles & got money for it!
We had recycled milk bottles & delivered by electric vehicles.
No plastic carrier bags
Boilers that lasted 30 years

What the hell happened!
The history of the planet suggests you are wrong and I am right.

Yes it will evolve eventually, the same as it did when the Cretaceous period ended rather abruptly.

The human race will only have themselves to blame. I believe we will survive, but how is the question we need to be asking ourselves.
Many people think they and the human race is very important. They're not, it's not, you're not. From an environmental perspective, the earth would be much better off if we ceased to exist.

We have created an economic system that depends on growth, buy buy buy, sell sell sell. Nearly all of that model causes a negative environmental impact. If constant growth and buy/sell ain't happening we're f*cked. Look at the situation during covid, constantly balancing human life against the need to 'get the economy going.' Btw I'm not saying it's not required (getting the economy going that is) obviously it is required because that's the system we've created.

Is there a lot of good in the world? Yes. Are there a lot of good people? Yes. However, on balance, it would be better for earth if we all simply ceased to exist as of now.

We'll be the masters of our own downfall, driven by the age old traits of power and greed. If anyone thinks otherwise, they're deluded. And no, 'the markets' won't 'sort it all.'
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