Partial lockdown up north.

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No point in continuing trying to discuss anything with you on a calm, rational, intelligent level.
That's right - you don't have an intelligence or calm, rational thinking. Why would I try to discuss anything with you? You twist everything to suit, always have to be correct and you don't understand things too well. It's a pointless! You're also a liar and a slithered your way back here again. These are not attractive attributes you have Himmy.

Right, this is the last post on this from me, as the thread has been hijacked again.
You consider that making an announcement at at 9pm on Twitter, to take effect at midnight, is well-handled?
As it seems the type of person who will flout social distancing rules (morons) are those that believe all they read on twitter, and they check it every few minutes, it was a great move. I don't use twitter, I don't break social distancing rules.
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The same RWR who derided and mock Twitter as a source are now defending its use.

RWR Hypocrisy knows no bounds.
As it seems the type of person who will flout social distancing rules (morons) are those that believe all they read on twitter, and they check it every few minutes, it was a great move. I don't use twitter, I don't break social distancing rules.

You deride Twitter now defend it. lol
I'd obviously prefer a competent job that includes all the people who need to know, and all the organisations that need to do something or can help

I find it hard to believe that you don't.

I do prefer a competent job but while that competent job is being constructed the information can be circulated via "informal" channels.
I do prefer a competent job but while that competent job is being constructed the information can be circulated via "informal" channels.

So you want formal information propagated through informal means.

The mental gymnastics. You would justify Droit du seigneur...
i cannot believe what is being said here....

There is a local crisis that requires urgent information / instructions to be given to the general public.

And yet some people on this thread would prefer the necessary information / instructions be delayed until a formal document can be created and published via official channels.
as the thread has been hijacked again.
At last, something we agree on, that the thread has been hijacked by those intent on descending into rudeness.
I've seem an example of your so called 'attractive attributes' with your torrent of expletives.
You're hardly a good judgement of attractive attributes.
A competent job would have been to issue a clear document, agreed with local authorities and agencies, to be included in radio and TV news.

It should not have come as a surprise to, for example, Manchester City Council.
How long to agree all that ? People moaned the government took too long first time round announcing lockdown, now it's too quick.Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
i cannot believe what is being said here....

There is a local crisis that requires urgent information / instructions to be given to the general public.

And yet some people on this thread would prefer the necessary information / instructions be delayed until a formal document can be created and published via official channels.
If complete hospitals can be built in a week, you would think a few brains of the government could formulate and publish a coherent strategy in a few hours. After all, this UK government is supposed to be world-class.
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