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15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Although the prime minister has insisted she will not allow another referendum, bookmakers Coral and Betfair slashed the odds on another poll before the end of 2019 to 5-1."
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Oh God. More Brexit misery. Great, let's prolong the humiliation of being the laughing stock of Europe even longer.
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I dont see why. The worlds 5th largest economy and London being the worlds largest financial market.
Because as the 5th largest economy (or 9th depending on how you measure it), we have shot ourselves in the foot. Just about every study that has looked into this has stated that we will worse off.

Yes, we are a major financial market, and many major financial institutions are set up in London because of the access to the EU. Its no mystery why many are either locating now, or making plans to do so. This is a loss to the UK, and is our own making.
The following quote is from here:
"A lot of cross-border trade in legal, business and financial services is trade between companies; firms in London providing services to other firms in Paris, Rome, wherever.

Indeed, more than half of the UK’s imports of goods and services from the European Union are of this intermediate type. In the other direction, the numbers are even more striking. Seventy per cent of our exports to the EU are of intermediate goods and services; that is they are exported for use by companies, not for purchase by consumers."
-The link is a good read into why we are better off in the EU, and why trade deals are complex and of huge benefit. Something we will lose with Brexit.

We will lose not just jobs unnecessarily, but tax revenue, as that sector is our biggest.

Oh, and we won't be the 5th biggest economy for much longer, given that India is growing at a faster rate than us, even without Brexit.
The remoaners just can't let it lie. [YAWN:emoticon]
Why would we point out these truths, given how important they are?

And just to expand on the issue of humiliation of the UK: We are, as has been pointed out, a wealthy nation. For a country like ours to make such an unforced error like Brexit is precisely why it is a humiliation. Of course Cameron is largely to blame, but if we were a developing country, with more acute problems, it could have been forgivable. But a wealthy country to make such a mistake is good reason for it to be a humiliation.

Had Cameron not done this, we would have had steady growth in the long term with little for him to do with that regard, but as it stands, we face huge uncertainties, not least because we have some clueless idiots running Brexit.
While the UK is a wealthy country, a lot of the people within it, aren't.
This disaffection may well have made up a telling proportion of the Leave vote.
Not many are and those that are, have plans to create satellite offices not complete relocation.
About 10,000 so far earmarked to be moved to the EU just the financial sector. That's 10,000 less jobs in the UK that offer decent salaries etc. And when the details of what Brexit means, we may see more.

I also know of one company that will likely fold, owing to what is happening to the financial sector thanks to directly Brexit.

If the hardliners get their way (I suspect they won't, the way its going), it could be far worse. As it stands, its one big uncertainty, so it could still get worse.

In addition, there have been job losses in academia/RnD, and we know that the two EU agencies in the UK will move. This is all just the start.

Any good news about Brexit that people can get behind?
Yes, it's happening.
So you cannot see any tangible benefit, other than some ideological belief.

PS. You'll note I said "that people can get behind". In other words, something that neutral or remainers can see as a benefit.
Usual ball cocks from the remoaners :LOL: who have not quite grasped the fact that the UK is a democracy and there was a vote on the subject

and the majority of those who voted actually voted to leave the EU

Yep that is how democracy works. The remoaners how ever who assume they occupy the moral high ground ?? wish to subvert democracy ;)

perhaps there talents would be better use in Putins Russia
The other day, I read that Putin could be the wealthiest person in the world.
But, if you can't flaunt it, what's the point?
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