
tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime
But they havnt been! thats the entire reason behind it all, if there were harsher sentences then the actual crimes commited would be less, but if you mug an old lady and beat her half to death and only get a £50 fine which comes out of your social at £10p a week because thats all you can "afford" then people unfortunately will carr on in such a manner. However, if the punishment for such an act were to be tied up in public, and your hand cut off then I'm sure less people would be inclined to do it in the first place...
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Surely the average chave will think twice if he knows he is going to get 5 years for carrying a knife and a minimum of ten for using it

How about 30 for gun?

Drink driving...Drop the limit to 30mgs 5 years ban first offence 10 for the ban for the third, taking the car off them each time ad selling it on, with the proceeds going to victims.

Guns...30 years for carrying

If the deterent is there then surely people wont do it...then you average spinless JP wont have to worry about not sending people to prison.
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Libby lou lou.........I cannot sympathise with these low life scum of the earth saying he needs help.........the b'$%£@&* downloaded this stuff so he must have at least one brain cell, do we feel sorry for Jim Royal would say "my a@%$"
Only one way to sort things out, and thats through the ballot box.

I'm sure one guy who has posted above will agree, The Police Force should be a police force, not a bloomin customer service organisation.

If I was a copper (and I nearly was, but for an ankle injury pushing my sickness record on my references beyond "acceptable standards") it would really rack me off if I'd done the mountains of paperwork, got past all the red tape and used all my skills to prepare a good file to put forward so that the CPS wouldn't kick it back, only to find that having got the guy to court (and watch him get legal aid) that the judge will let him go because "Dr Reid said so..."
I know exactly where your coming from, personally i would cut his nuts off, but, if he got prison and not treatment,then upon release, he will probarbly do it again,then blame the system for not giving him the treatment he may (or may not) believes he was entitled to.AND, even get compo for it. :(
I did not say put them in prison I have my own ideas......they said some middle eastern laws are barbaric,we should learn from them.
hell be the only one! Strange how no one wants to ever admit they voted for this bunch of idiots.
Never voted in my life, but i suppose that makes me as bad as those who voted labour :oops: there again all parties make there promises that all amount jack sh*t
Thermo said:
Strange how no one wants to ever admit they voted for this bunch of idiots.
just like those who wouldn't admit voting Tory during their last regime... ;)
Re the lack of prison space, I'm pretty sure it's been thought of already, but just in case it hasn't, why don't the prison authorities release other prisoners early.
Even if it is only by a couple of weeks, this would create the necessary space, wouldn't it. ?
Or am I missing something and just being just plain stupid with this suggestion ?
drspock ,they are doing that in scotland but the ones they release are no danger to the public............IE ................the pensioner who got 4 years for not paying council tax,or the accountant who got 3 months for that major tax evasion
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