Reduce Voting age to 16

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
It's about time that if you can join the army at 16, work full time, change your name, be prosecuted for underage sex - then you should be able to vote as well.

Time voting was given to 16 year olds - it's their future that matters.
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16 is too young to vote, blatant attempt to exploit young peoples' inclination to vote left. That said requiring ID to vote is just as politicised. The only sensible way to encourage more people to vote is the introduction of a form of PR, it means some extremists getting in but prevents the elective dictatorships of Bliar and Johnson.

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Another socialist trope. Get them young before they realise they only want to get money of those how earned it.

You are dumber than a bag of rocks. The young paying taxes are what keep the old people in retirement.

Can you tell me how money is created through debt?
You are dumber than a bag of rocks. The young paying taxes are what keep the old people in retirement.

Can you tell me how money is created through debt?
I never realised 16-18 year olds payed so much tax! Give them the vote on that basis.
It's about time that if you can join the army at 16, work full time, change your name, be prosecuted for underage sex - then you should be able to vote as well.

Time voting was given to 16 year olds - it's their future that matters.
You can join up at 16 but with parents consent and you won't see action till your 18 possibly 18 and a few months in infantry roles (cant remember that bit exactly. It's like being in the scouts really. You can do a paper round at 14 and some babysitting. Maybe you should call for votes for 14 year olds. They know what's what.
It's about time that if you can join the army at 16, work full time, change your name, be prosecuted for underage sex - then you should be able to vote as well.

Time voting was given to 16 year olds - it's their future that matters.

You ever employed 16 / 17 year olds ???

Afaik boy soldiers cannot be sent to war ????
But paying a small amount of tax with no representation is ok ?
The tax thresholds apply to any age. NI isn't payable till 16 years old IIRC. So a smart 10 year old kid making 15k a year would be liable to tax. It is rare but maybe they should have the vote then? There's a possibility that a parent in business could pay a child and make him liable for tax. Rees smog and his ilk might give shares to their kids. Theoretically it is possible for a baby to pay tax. Best give them the vote too?
Don't worry Gal has forgotten about the education until 18 bit. Never mind leave him to his bag of rocks.
Gal has much fervor for his cause. That is commendable. He also exercises his right to free speech, big up for that too. This post wasn't that well thought out though.
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