Something needs to be done

Big_Spark said:
Moz, you want to call me a pathetic excuse for a human spout as much s**t as least he is coherent when typing.

You sir are a ****wit of the worst order. Why don't you slink back under your rock and drink yourself to a liver failure...

Kendor posted on people making abusive posts, one person agreed with him and then made the post above---i cant think that that is a nice post.

Slogger beware your not being baited into making a bad post to get you banned
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to me after you rant


******* to you........fool

its very silly ...
take care...



Everybody please calm down and any more swear words, I will delete the whole thread.
Freddie said:
Big_Spark said:
Moz, you want to call me a pathetic excuse for a human spout as much s**t as least he is coherent when typing.

You sir are a ****wit of the worst order. Why don't you slink back under your rock and drink yourself to a liver failure...

Kendor posted on people making abusive posts, one person agreed with him and then made the post above---i cant think that that is a nice post.

Slogger beware your not being baited into making a bad post to get you banned

Freddie, are we supposed to just take the drivel of others? I sort of agree with Kendor in some respects, but many of us are guilty of falling into the trap of questionable posts, but as I said in my post, we all have the right to free speach...I was attacked for that by a hypocrite (see Moz's posts about 11-11-11)

My choice of words may not be to everyone liking, but I object to being called a terrorist by a self-confessed drunk whose posts in the past have also questioned his honesty.
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Freddie, I don't disagree.

My family had 11 members killed in WW1, 6 killed in WW2 and 5 held prisoner, one of those by the Japanese. My Paternal Grandfather was in the Army from 1929 to 1969, he had more than 40 colleagues, many friends, captured in the Far East by the Japanese, only 3 returned to the UK at the end of the War...

I completely understand the frustration Moz expressed about the way many treat 11-11-11.

I also agree fully with your comments about the terrorists, without extensive support, even moral supporat, they could not flourish as they do, regardless of the politics and religion, however if we stop free speach, as Kendor was implying, then are we not simply squandering the sacrifice of those we are remembering and also bowing to the terrorists by changing our culture as a result of them..afterall free speach is not a National Security issue, there are safe-guards in place for that type of situation.

I do not like Slogger, I find many of his posts ill-informed, Xenophobic and purile nonsense, however some of his more thought-out comments, as you have pointed out, do have some merit..I only wish he thought about more of his comments before posting them :rolleyes:

But no-one on this forum should be calling anyone here a Terrorist, I buried a freind of 21 years only a short time ago killed due to the terorists in Afghanistan, I have buried 4 more friends and former colleagues killed in Iraq since this business started, so I find Moz's post extremeley offensive
well i know what is going on in my back yard and i speak to people on a daily level and i know what they want to see happening via immigration

the deal is they want it stopped and stopped now no more in and the ones that are here illegally to be rounded up and treat no differently than criminals because that is what they are hence the term ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS

on the religion side i dont know anyone and i mean anyone that isnt muslim that wants to keep an islamice pesence here they want it out and out now ask around for your self

they simply have shown they are not to be trusted does that make me what u say i am ? or does that make me an enlightened individual that can see the pitfalls of the so called peacefull coexistence

there is no need to say time will tell as it is happening now time has told the uk has seperated into numerous factions ( ghettos in some areas )

birds of a feather flock together and never more so than now ?

ok last but not least why would i go to a police station and talk to a black officer ? what has the colour black to do with islam ? i am not racist i am antiislam HUGE DIFFERENCE

praise the lord n pass the ammuntiion
Slogger said:
well i know what is going on in my back yard and i speak to people on a daily level and i know what they want to see happening via immigration

the deal is they want it stopped and stopped now no more in and the ones that are here illegally to be rounded up and treat no differently than criminals because that is what they are hence the term ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS

This is what I meant Slogger, you obviously thought about this as your wrote it, and many here would totally agree, I know I do. The problem is that many UK nationals are hypocrites, they want this problem sorted, yet they vehemently oppose a National ID card scheme that would give the authorities a tool to address the Illegals issue very easily. I would deport all who enter the nation illegally, even they apply for asylum, they should apply from their home nation via the British Embassy.

Slogger said:
on the religion side i dont know anyone and i mean anyone that isnt muslim that wants to keep an islamice pesence here they want it out and out now ask around for your self

The cat is out of the bag, the mosques are here, and to clamp down on them would require a similar clamp-down on all non-Christian religious centres, which would be a serious issue and cause major civil unrest. I would, however, tighten up regulations for their governance, stop new ones from opening and close any that have any tangible links to terror support or bigoted dogma, such as Finsbury Park Mosque. I think in general most people would agree with this approach.

Slogger said:
they simply have shown they are not to be trusted does that make me what u say i am ? or does that make me an enlightened individual that can see the pitfalls of the so called peacefull coexistence

Unfortunately you cannot tar an entire community with one brush, yes their is overt and covert support for the terror groups within the Islamic community here and elswhere, but I think the vast bulk of them do not support their methodology, even if they see merit in the argument. Look at the backlash in Jordan to the bombings there, these are Muslims that are marching on the streets in protest at the attacks, I only wish the Muslim community here did something similar to show that they, as a whole, do not support such actions and actively helped the Security Forces identify those within their ranks who do support the terror groups so they may be dealt with.

Slogger said:
there is no need to say time will tell as it is happening now time has told the uk has seperated into numerous factions ( ghettos in some areas )

birds of a feather flock together and never more so than now ?

ok last but not least why would i go to a police station and talk to a black officer ? what has the colour black to do with islam ? i am not racist i am antiislam HUGE DIFFERENCE

praise the lord n pass the ammuntiion

I agree that their is not the integration the Government claim, and in this the communities themselves are generally to blame as they have created the "ghetto" like communities themselves, and this does need to be addressed. We all tend to support our own ethnic, religious or political group, so the birds of a feather comment, whilst true, is also true for you me and the gatepost.

Unfortunately, some of your less thought out posts in the past have certainly left people here with no doubt about your racist thinking, and your hatred of Islam is a race based belief, you may not agree, but it is a simple fact.

That last comment about praising the lord and then pass the ammo, well that is a statement used for more than 80 years by the White Supremesist movement in the USA, so if you have that as a signature or use it in posts as you do, then don't be surprised when people think you agree with true racist basr stewards of the work type...

Slogger, in furture, may I suggest you think more about your posts, this last one was thought out, and shows that you can do this without the rants you often get is far more pleasant to read and reply too...
I'm sorry people on here are not practising what they preach, they talk about the freedom of speech yet say that the mullahs should be silenced
surely freedom of speech as they see it is a free for all, but i don't support the mullahs as some suggest. i criticise any that support violence and harm to others whethe in actions or words.

Freedom of speech is one thing but it detaches itself from the part of the phrase that part being speech when it incites to violent action.

the old saying sticks and stones doesn't really hold much credence these days, when even a simple banter can now be taken the wrong way.
Freddie said:
So what is Slogger and the others guilty of--speaking out? maybe in not such a sutle way but most of the time thats all they have done.
Dear Freddie.
I don't want to take anyones right of opinion away. My biggest problem with some of the posters here is not accepting the opinion of others (and there are other opinions than black and white ones); even bullying to get 'right of way'.
I've never accepted that and I will never accept that, we still live in a free country where nothing is black or white.
WoodYouLike said:
Freddie said:
So what is Slogger and the others guilty of--speaking out? maybe in not such a sutle way but most of the time thats all they have done.
Dear Freddie.
I don't want to take anyones right of opinion away. My biggest problem with some of the posters here is not accepting the opinion of others (and there are other opinions than black and white ones); even bullying to get 'right of way'.
I've never accepted that and I will never accept that, we still live in a free country where nothing is black or white.

I agree. Softus and his abuse are out of order.

WoodYouLike said:
Freddie said:
So what is Slogger and the others guilty of--speaking out? maybe in not such a sutle way but most of the time thats all they have done.
Dear Freddie.
I don't want to take anyones right of opinion away. My biggest problem with some of the posters here is not accepting the opinion of others (and there are other opinions than black and white ones); even bullying to get 'right of way'.
I've never accepted that and I will never accept that, we still live in a free country where nothing is black or white.

Exactly woody sweetie ;) my point is if Slogger or others say that muslims should be sent back to a muslim country because of what they have been doing, some people come on and say you cant say that you are a racist for saying that etc etc etc.

Well Slogger may have explained his reasons but the other crowd never explain or justify theirs other than you cant blame all muslims but as Brightspark and me pointed out it takes hundreds and thousands more people to create a terrorist attack other than the man who sets the bomb off.
Freddie said:
Exactly woody sweetie ;) my point is if Slogger or others say that muslims should be sent back to a muslim country because of what they have been doing, some people come on and say you cant say that you are a racist for saying that etc etc etc.
Ok, get where you're coming from and I agree. That results in useless 'ranting' and not getting 'forward' in the discussion. But what I still don't get and still have a problem with is that when one doesn't agree with one of the posters, one is directly made out a: wimp, wabbler, liberal, islam-follower and worse. That doesn't help the 'discussion' and this attitude in the end will cost us all some of our liberties.

(ps, yes joe, of course you're right)
WoodYouLike said:
Freddie said:
Exactly woody sweetie ;) my point is if Slogger or others say that muslims should be sent back to a muslim country because of what they have been doing, some people come on and say you cant say that you are a racist for saying that etc etc etc.
Ok, get where you're coming from and I agree. That results in useless 'ranting' and not getting 'forward' in the discussion. But what I still don't get and still have a problem with is that when one doesn't agree with one of the posters, one is directly made out a: wimp, wabbler, liberal, islam-follower and worse. That doesn't help the 'discussion' and this attitude in the end will cost us all some of our liberties.

(ps, yes joe, of course you're right)

Think that's just his manner to get his point across but to be fair to him there is a lot of baiting by a couple of members--so horses for courses as they say.
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