"statute of limitations"? RingGo parking

14 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
Evening all,

I parked up in Brum a fortnight ago, and paid on the RingGo app.
Upon returning to my car a couple of hours later, I realised that I'd paid to park in the next carpark.
(Upon arrival, I'd just selected "nearest carpark" from their list on the app, which wasn't actually the one I was in!)
When I got back to the car, I realised my mistake, and tried to rectify it.
The app is useless for that ; you can change your parking times, and the car you're parking, but not the car park........ Its almost like they've realised they can rinse you via that route.....
The helpline goes nowhere.
All the FAQs section says is to "pay for the correct ticket once you realise, and this may be taken into consideration at appeal"........ Nice gig ;double - bubble payment, and get the fine out of you too!

So, my question is, how long are they allowed to have to contact me, before the penalty becomes expired?
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Only joking, I've got some friends in Brum and surrounding areas from my sailing days, my best friend has sadly gone but we'd often visit Great Barr to see him and his wife, in fact last time I was in Brum was for his funeral, I've yet to meet anyone from Brum/black country who lacked warmth and a sense of humour.(y)
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Try living in London!!!!! Put in the correct details, done. Put in the incorrect details, it's your fault. Simple.
Try living in London!!!!! Put in the correct details, done. Put in the incorrect details, it's your fault. Simple.
I've already acknowledged that. I was asking how long do they have to issue a ticket / notice before it becomes invalid to do so.
Cheers for the reply. I have some recollection that 14 days is for a speeding ticket, but don't know whether same applies for (what I presume is private) parking.
Same applies for private parking.
But don't be confused between council Penalty Charge Notice and private firms Parking Charge Notice (both referred to as PCN).
The private notice is simply an invoice and there are ways to avoid paying it.
Have a read through the consumer action group forum and you'll find thousands of stories.
It's six years from the date the money is owed.

If you acknowledge the debt there is no time limit
The private notice is simply an invoice and there are ways to avoid paying it.
My usual approach when I know the parking company is taking the pee is to invite them to take me to court so that we can discuss the case in front of a judge.

Three times they have backed down, despite having billed me 100 for the "fine" then 160+ for debt collector's fees.

I wonder why?
My usual approach when I know the parking company is taking the pee is to invite them to take me to court so that we can discuss the case in front of a judge.

Three times they have backed down, despite having billed me 100 for the "fine" then 160+ for debt collector's fees.

I wonder why?
Same here.
Reason is that they have no leg to stand for these charges.
In the past, Mrs S was loathe to threaten court as she would rather pay than spend the time off work to fight the cases.

But after several cases where the parking companies were issuing invoices when they quite clearly should not have, we decided that we needed to fight back.

The particular cases that turned the worm involved McDonalds.

One was where she made two visits on one day but got a "ticket" for exceeding the time limit as they sent her footage of the car entering on the first visit, then leaving on the second visit.

The other was a visit to McDs to see her clients. It was a business visit, not for pleasure. She gave her reg to the staff and they put it on their system so she wouldn't get a ticket, but they sent her one anyway.

There was another too where she went to give blood and the hotel told her that parking restrictions were lifted on that day. Guess what?

She got a "ticket"!

She had a job where she used to meet clients and park in private car parks and it seemed that every other time she parked, there was an issue and she got a letter in the post.

That's a lot of tickets where the company were trying it on. No wonder they do that when a lot of people just pay up for an easy life!

Almost as woody says 6 years to bring a claim. Acknowledgement of debt resets the clock it doesn't make it unlimited. But in reality you will hear within a month. A lot of the scammers, skip the first ticket notice as it can get "lost" in the post and go direct to the full price charge.

Is the car park owned/operated by the same company? If it is, you have evidence you paid the fee.
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