Teachers getting the vaccine....more important workers than them should get it first.

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Ebola is much easier to deal with, depressingly. It's only infectious when you're symptomatic, the symptoms are quite obvious and distinct and the infection moves slowly enough to isolate. I believe the tests are easier too

Which is why, despite the fact that Ebola kills something around 1 in 3 or more of the people who catch it, it hasn't killed a tiny fraction of Covid-19 which kills one in a hundred.

Covid is the tortoise to Ebolas hare.

The point was that if it was present in your workplace, the likelihood was that you would not want to be there.
Why, they're not pretending Covid-19 isnt dangerous. Or at least I haven't heard they are.

Ebola is deadly, so is Covid-19. What's your point caller?

Old Johnny2007 was saying that teachers should expect to catch 'bugs' at work, so should basically that catching covid was an occupational hazard that teachers should accept.

My point was, that if it was ebola in his workplace, he wouldn't just accept that he might catch that bug from people in his workplace.
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When a safe and effective vaccine is found, COVAX (led by WHO, GAVI and CEPI) will facilitate the equitable access and distribution of these vaccines to protect people in all countries. People most at risk will be prioritized. While we work towards rolling out a safe and effective vaccine fairly, we must continue the essential public health actions to suppress transmission and reduce mortality.
https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/covid-19-vaccines#:~:text=When a safe and effective,transmission and reduce mortality.​

I'm glad we agree.
Why, they're not pretending Covid-19 isnt dangerous. Or at least I haven't heard they are.

Ebola is deadly, so is Covid-19. What's your point caller?
You're comparing an illness with a death rate all ages as much as 90% to another with a death rate of less than 5% of which 99% are on their last leg and would die even with a "simple" flu.
...you think the WHO's strategy is absurd.

Don't make things up. I didn't say that, and I don't believe that. Planned strategy and empty virtue signalling are not the same thing.
I wondered why you posted the thing about the WHO strategy, which had nothing to do with my post. Now I realise you just misunderstood.
Perhaps a better uptake of vaccines in minority communities...https://www.bbc.com/news/56031531

May encourage better vaccine roll outs in 3rd world countries.

Strangely enough it is the wealthier economies which have suffered more deaths, and thus require the vaccines first.
Strangely enough it is the wealthier economies

which are more likely to have good health systems, so more likely to diagnose accurately; and better registration and statistical systems, so more likely to know what the true numbers are.

Not strange at all.

Strangely enough it is the wealthier economies which get their hands on the vaccines first.

Not strange at all.
which are more likely to have good health systems, so more likely to diagnose accurately; and better registration and statistical systems, so more likely to know what the true numbers are.

Not strange at all.

So your implying that the UK in real terms, may not have done as badly as many other countries.

Strangely enough it is the wealthier economies which get their hands on the vaccines first.

Not strange at all.

Survival of the fittest comes to mind.
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