
11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Mrs Secure has been increasingly upset about Tesco and their increase of own labels. I thought it was unfounded, but went shopping tonight to find fewer branded goods than ever on their shelves.

Those that were there were highly priced, by comparison. For example, I looked a tomato puree. There was tesco, 28p for (I think) 300g's, or Heinz, 62p for less weight.

I am seriously considering changing my shopping habits. Tesco's philosophy of "every little helps" is backfiring, because instead of shopping there and thinking "This is great! And everything is so much cheaper...", all I want to do is run back to my local/specialist stores. I will end up paying more, but so what?

Does anybody else feel the same?
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Try their home delivery.....delivered on Friday sell by date is Friday..use by date is Monday at best
Ooooh goody, soapbox time!
Dont shop at tesco, there, you've all been told now, so no excuses. In fact avoid all supermarkets if you can. Get veg delivered via your local organic box scheme, shop for other stuff at local farmers markets, there are loads of reasons for doing these, not least of which is the improvement to your health, improvements to the environment from the farmers practices and the drastically reduced food miles. If you must use conventional shops then stick to small traders with reputations to uphold, buy local and if you really have to use a supermarket then try the proper co-op or at a push Waitrose.
www.riverford.co.uk/ for all your veg needs.
Read Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstalls website, or books, for an insight into what you should be doing.
There you go, todays homework is to change your life for the better, after all you've nothing better to do on a lazy sunday.:cool:
Pensdown said:
Try their home delivery.....delivered on Friday sell by date is Friday..use by date is Monday at best
I've noticed that :evil:

Happy easter everyone! (and mods) hope you don't eat too much chocolate and get sick. :LOL:
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Talking of Monopolies etc..when Tesco moved into our town the smaller supermakets, co-op, kwiksave and somerfield all had a right grumble about it, saying it wasnt fair on the smaller companies and Tesco shouldnt be allowed to come to the town becasue it would affect their business..possibly putting some of them out of business (which it has in two of the three cases)....

But they have very short memories and their principles re-write the history of double standards

Did they worry about putting the local corners shops, butchers, bakers greengrocers etc out of business when they came to the town???..


Its a case of TSB (tough s*it baby!)
I very rarely shop at Tesco but did go there yesterday as I wanted to see my son (he works there). I ended up spending £60 on stuff all. The same small trolley load of stuff would have more than likely have been about half the cost at Morrisons. I would have also managed to buy decent local organic veg and British produced meat there too (my local Morrisons has a 'buy local' policy).

I just think Tesco has gotten far too big for its boots but must admit to liking the clothes and things that it also sells nowadays :rolleyes:
Ok, I don't particularly agree with the fact that many people have lost businesses, etc by large supermarkets coming to town, but unless the government were going to offer them some sort of subsidies which would allow them to offer comparative prices to supermarkets, they don't stand a chance. At the end of the day - most of us like to think we are getting a bargain - even if it means using £2.00's worth of fuel to make a saving of 20p on a tin of beans, we will do it - some strange psychological enigma of 'winning' :LOL:

However, I do feel that Tesco is doing so well because it is exploring the market and taking risks. My feelings are that some of the rivals have become complacent and 'stuck in a rut' - churning out the same old products. Tesco seem to be always looking ahead at the potential market, and 'getting in there first'. At the end of the day, they are a business and out to make money - which they are doing VERY well. Perhaps other business should try to learn from their success - in my experiences, this is the best way forward - if something is working well, emulate it, don't knock it :LOL:
tehy are an evil taking over the world. We have one two minutes down the road from us and wont shop there out of principle. We use local shops such as butchers etc. the food is better and although it may cost a little more none gets thrown away as it is such better quality
Thermo said:
they are an evil taking over the world.
Yes they are, I've heard they're trying to take over the petrol market now :evil:
securespark said:
all I want to do is run back to my local/specialist stores. I will end up paying more, but so what?

Does anybody else feel the same?
Our local convenient store isn't that much more than a Tesco or Sainsbury. (Store is part of a larger cooperation, but has it's own identity) Most of the villagers shop there, not always for all their groceries, but shop sells brand stuff, local stuff and own stuff for very reasonable prices, shop-owner and all personnel are nice and know you and your shopping-habits'.
Shop local is what we try to promote in the whole (growing) village and bye-bye to the monopolies!
Have to disagree folks - I don't think Tesco is a monopoly - surely a monopoly is only the case if the seller is the sole operator in a given market? Tesco is far from this - it is more of a successful business formed from the laws of the free market (capitalism) - which is objectively a good thing. No one is stopping other sellers from competing with them, and no one is making people go in to their stores and buy their products.

If anything, I can only see good things coming from the 'influx' of Tesco stores - it means other businesses will require to lower prices, offer better quality products, etc. So, the consumer is going to benefit in the long run - people usually want value for money. If someone produces better products than Tesco people will shop there. If someone offers cheaper products of similar quality, people will go there - so it is not a monopoly, just a very successful business.

At the end of the day, we have 'choice' whether to shop in Tesco or not, but we can't deny that it has been very successful at what it has done so far :)

PS no, I don't have any connections, shares or family members working in Tesco - I just admire anyone who has built up a business from a stall in East London selling army surplus food, to what it is today:)
masona said:
Thermo said:
they are an evil taking over the world.
Yes they are, I've heard they're trying to take over the petrol market now :evil:

There used to be three p/stations round here, Tesco came and now only Tesco remains and their unleaded just now is 94.9p.
Shell,5 miles away is 91.9p.
Gary_M said:
At the end of the day, we have 'choice' whether to shop in Tesco or not, but we can't deny that it has been very successful at what it has done so far :)

We have a choice just now but will we have the choice when they (tesco) win and only tesco remain and charge top dollar:cool:
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