The planets most idiotic Cycle lane ?

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lincs, how come you've managed to write off so many cars? :LOL: :LOL:

I dont think two amounts to 'so many'....... The bedford van i wasnt paying attention and rear ended some guy who stopped to turn right, the chevette a council dustbin cart didnt see me and came out a side road over a give way and removed the near side (wheel, wing, door) - really, completely removed them.

The Yugo was scary. it cracked up the nearside inner wing through the chassis rail and across the floor The wing was the only thing holding that side together - i started to notice the steering wandering a bit. I went up a kerb to park and the entire nearside sagged down about two inches as the welding on the wing to door pillar gave also had the amusing feature there was no interlock on the gearbox, so it was perfectly possible to accidentally change from 5th to reverse at 60 mph. Thats why you could never find Yugo gearboxes in scrapyards, they were all either wrecked or already taken out.
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