The planets most idiotic Cycle lane ?




This is in Poole, in Dorset. the cycle lane is 6'6", the car lane next to it is 4' 6". Its not possible to drive up the car lane without crossing one of the lines on one side or the other.

There's going to be an accident here shortly, i predict.
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if there is no cyclist in it you can ignore it.

its only there to make some councillor feel good about himself despite the fact he has wasted money and resources on nonsense PC touchy feely green crap.
Is obesity a problem in the area? Could be the council are starting a bike scheme for fatties :idea:
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I would like to enter this one into the competition
To play devils advocate, I reckon the photographer was stood in a roadway - there is a junction just back from this cycleway. Further back along this road being photographed there is a long stretch of cycle lane. They had to stop it for the junction where the photographer is stood, but it wasnt due to end for another few yards, so they painted this little segment. . .

Most of Doncaster's cycle lanes are painted on the pavements, but the cyclists just ride anywhere - just as the pedestrians walk anywhere.

Lincsbodger, why do I get the feeling you drive a 5 series or an Audi?
Lincsbodger, why do I get the feeling you drive a 5 series or an Audi?

*slaps poster around*

Since i was 21 and passed my test, i have owned 15 cars in 34 years, in order:

Ford Transit 1965 - scrapped
Bedford 6cwt van - wrote it off
Golf 1.6 - sold, too expensive on parts
Vauxhall Chevette - written off
Saab 99 ( with a Dolomite Sprint 2.2l engine + auto box - 16 MPG :O ) - too expensive to insure
Fiat 131 Supermirafiore - rusted away
Yugo 311 (fell in half one day mounting the kerb to park)
Cortina MK 4 - died of old age
Cortina Mk 5 - couldnt get spares
Rover 411 - heap of junk, british engine
Sierra 1.6 Mk 1 hatchback (died at 250,000 miles)
Sierra 2.0 Mk 2 (died at (196,000 miles)
Sierra 2.0 Mk 2 hatchback (died at 275,000 miles)
Mondeo 1.8 Mk 1 - serious overheating problems. scrapped
Mondeo 1.8 Mk 2 hatchback

wouldnt be seen dead in an Audi............
Fair enough. Your general attitude towards the roads seems to suit that of a company rep car driver - someone who races around everywhere wanting to get there first, tailgating and overtaking etc - you hate bike lanes, speed cameras, and anything else likely to slow your journey down.
Fair enough. Your general attitude towards the roads seems to suit that of a company rep car driver - someone who races around everywhere wanting to get there first, tailgating and overtaking etc - you hate bike lanes, speed cameras, and anything else likely to slow your journey down.

I dont tailgate, its bloody dangerous. On the other hand, if you tailgate me, and you manage to really annoy me, ill let you get nice and close, nice and fast, and then stamp on my brakes. You will trash your front end on my nice big sticky out towbar, but you wont touch my vehicle. You wont have a leg to stand on legally, and ill screw you to the wall for compo. Got two people like that so far.....

Speed Cameras are a joke, its just an exercise in raising money and criminalising the populace for Nu Labours Big Brother Police State. I also post advice on a Speeding and Parking Ticket forum and know a lot about this subject. The Police are a bunch of crooks, and its a scam.

I think you should drive so as not to inconvenience or hinder other people. If someone is in a hurry, let them past, dont take too long on junctions, because while you're using a junction, no one else can. Give people room to maneuver, such as if the are reversing out there driveways. I drive like that, and i expect you to offer me the same courtesies (unless you annoy me... :D )

Silly women (and its usually women and old people) who stop at traffic light two or three car lengths behind the bloody line. In effect, they are using three car lengths of the road, and possibly preventing someone at the other end of the queue from getting over the previous set of lights. Even so, they will reduce the number of cars that get through the green light this time because they have created 'phantom' vehicle in front of them, thus increasing congestion and slowing everyone down further.. Selfish selfish selfish selfish selfish selfish selfish selfish morons.
my understanding is that councils get EU funding if works include cycle lane provisions. that could explain why some of them are designed to
'High Stupid' specification.

am i right or wrong??
my understanding is that councils get EU funding if works include cycle lane provisions. that could explain why some of them are designed to
'High Stupid' specification.

am i right or wrong??

Too right. I worked in Local Government 20 years. You quickly realise that a mouse is an elephant built to government specifications, and was meant to be a horse, but it was designed by a committee.
sadly that is not the only one in the poole area that is plain barmy
the road from Upton to Bakers Arms has not 1 but 2 of these stupid lanes the road way between them is approx 12 ft!!
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