worst accident?

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
i was driving home earlier, dont know if anyone knows the road between Hooton Roberts and Conisbrough in Rotherham, the A630, where there is an overtaking lane up the hill.

Came to an accident there, had to stop - policeman waving traffic past the other way. A yellow ferrari looked like something had grabbed it and bent it in half, literally, and the body panels were like paper crumpled up. About 4 other cars involved. About 4 ambulances in total were in attendance, along with a couple of police cars. I doubt very much the driver of the ferrari survived, though the impact was on the passenger side, the car was VERY badly damaged, i have never seen anything like it.

I reckon he was overtaking DOWN the hill, while a car was overtaking up the hill, appearing from round the bend at the bottom (there's one lane in the middle, both sides can use it (uphill has priority) until about 100yds from the bend. The ferarri driver panicked, put full right lock on, went skidding sideways into oncoming car (both doing 50+mph)

Merely seeing this accident scene shook me up a bit, I mean, when i had an accident not so long ago (october), i realise now how lucky me and my family were, and how much worse it could have been . . . and if i had been on that road 10 mins before . . . .

What's the worst accident you have seen / had?

EDIT just found this picture, similar damage scale to this ferarri i saw
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crafty1289 said:
What's the worst accident you have seen

A small car crushed between two very big lorries. All you could see was part of the cabin of the second lorry imbedded in the back of the first truck and two little wheels underheath.
Don't think anyone in the little car survived.
ive seen a couple of crashes, but nothin major. mostly at low speeds (on 30MPH roads)
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worst accident I saw wasnt a car /car one but it was a bus an oap ...

we had gone over too blackpool an were on the prom , we /my family an I were near the tower , an we heard a bang an stood meters away as this double decker had run over an had trapped an old women under the front of the bus , she was screaming then moaning as my mother dragged us away , as we got further away her leg rolled into the gutter as the prom went black/red from the blood ... urrrgh ... *SHUDDER*
actually worst ccident ive seen was on a roundabout what is absolutly ridiculous. its 2 lanes on a dual carriageway, you you have to take it at below 20MPH due to the tight corner. its that bad, there isnt enough room for a car if a truck is there. anyway, a car looked like it went to straightline it and hit a motorbike in the r/h side, pushing him into the arrow signs on the roundabout. this roundabout you used to be able to take it at 50+ when there is no traffic (other side isnt so bad, when there is no traffic i often take it at 60MPH cuttin all 3 lanes)

apparantly it was changed to 'reduce' (more like increase) accidents
My dad saw a lady lose a leg under a tram at blackpool, nasty.

A potentially bad accident, but a testimony to modern design was an accident I saw just after Christmas. I was on the M25 and was overtaken by a berk doing 90ish in a big white Merc Sprinter. Got round the next corner (up near the Amersham junction, I think it was) and a prat in a BMW had entered the motorway, gone straight for the outside lane and not judged the speed of the van (or even bothered checking his mirrors). Eek!

90mph smash involving a pirouetting BMW, but the van was still able to restart and move over to the shoulder, and the BMW guy was standing next to his L-shaped car on the phone (I couldn't tell if he was on it during the crash though ;) )

Lucky, both of them.
Last October a ford fiesta lost control on a wet bend and hit our fully loaded bitumen tanker head on (like hitting a brick wall), it was a mess, driver killed, passenger died 4 days later in hospital, both was not wearing seat belts and only slight damaged to the bitumen tanker, the tanker driver still off sick with stress.

I bet Thermo seen a few nasty accidents.............
AdamW said:
90mph smash involving a pirouetting BMW, but the van was still able to restart and move over to the shoulder, and the BMW guy was standing next to his L-shaped car on the phone (I couldn't tell if he was on it during the crash though ;) )
probably was. Saw a berk in a Merc* today, speeding around little narrow roads, doing about 40 when it is safe to do 20, sure he was on his phone. Do these people think they are invincible? Highway code states that you should stay on the left lane until you are adjusted to the speed of traffic.

masona said:
Last October a ford fiesta lost control on a wet bend and hit our fully loaded bitumen tanker head on (like hitting a brick wall), it was a mess, driver killed, passenger died 4 days later in hospital, both was not wearing seat belts and only slight damaged to the bitumen tanker, the tanker driver still off sick with stress.
idiots. I ALWAYS wear mine. Last night I went out to drive the car onto the drive and found myself putting my seatbelt on, out of habit. :eek: never a bad thing though.

*hehe, will remember that Berk rhymes with Merc in future :LOL:
Many years ago early in the morning driving a Wolsley 15/50, ( told you it was a long time ago) I was driving round a large bend in the road when I came across a stationary wagon waiting to turn right. I applied the brakes,( hydraulic drum brakes) and realised that I wasn't going to stop in time, At the last second without thinking I threw myself down onto the passenger seat and the car went into the back of the lorry. It went under the tailboard of the lorry clearing the bonnet of the car and only stopped when it reached the rear of the front door . I looked up from the passenger seat to see the tailboard of the lorry slowly moving away and to find that I was now the owner of a open top . Fortunately I didn't have a scratch on me and after being checked out at a local garage I was given permission by the police to drive the remaining 100 miles home. The final lap was through the mersey tunnel in an open top car which I do not recommend
I should mention that this car was fitted with seat belts which were not compulsory in those days, and more importantly they were not the inertia type that allow you some movement. Once on you were stuck in place with very little lateral movement. For some reason that morning I didn't apply the seat belt, and I shudder to think even to this day of the consequences if I had had the seat belts on.
My guardian angel was looking after me that day

thats the worst one i saw. The death toll was eight in the end, including the small boy. Spent the night literally picking up all the pieces of those that perished. Ill never forget it. :cry:

A close second is the one i got to just after a drunk driver had crashed into a wall. we arrived just as the car went up in flames, couldnt get near it and had to watch the driver burn to death. :cry:

still have nightmares about them both :(

well you did ask
Been in a few accidents but probably the most scary was when I was driving myself and a workmate on the A30 in Cornwall in a 7 1/2 ton truck. It was about 10pm and dark and the road was one of those 3 lane jobs where we had 2 lanes on our side but the oncoming traffic could only use the middle lane for overtaking. I pulled out to overtake an old volvo that was doing about 40. As I pulled level with it a white astra coming towards us pulled out to overtake another car but the driver obviously hadn't seen me at all as he was very close when he pulled out. I couldn't move in far as I was level with the volvo. There was a huge (really huge) bang but it didn't stop us. I pulled into the side and could see the astra on the other side about 400 yards back so I thought it must have sounded worse than it was. We went round the front of the truck and couldn't see any damage but there was a large piece of car stuck under our bumper.
There were 4 people in the astra and it was a hire car that had been collected 30 mins previously. The car was trashed, front wing smashed right in, 4 windows broken, engine partially pushed into the car, 2 doors squashed. Passengers only suffered one broken bone and bruising and cuts from flying glass.
The driver of the hire car wanted to tell the police that it had been my fault but we had driven off and he hadn't got our number! Yeah, right.
My mate wanted to drive back to the yard but for some stupid reason I thought it was a bit like falling off a horse and you should get straight back on.
Not too clever really.
I had a car accident when I was 18yrs with girlfriend she was driving her morris 1000 down hill stoned and drunk, hit a concrete lamppost which came down and wrote off the car I was knocked out and lost buckets of blood, top of my head was peeled off and I was taken to Addenbrookes hospital in cambridge where I was working as a porter.I had no problems with it until now 32 yrs later I get bad headaches, and have started doing weird things like joining forum internet sites. :LOL:
A316 just off the M3 Jct 1 A car on it's roof after crashing through the chain link fence surrounding the industrial estate most of the concrete posts had been taken with it but worse was 50 yds down the road was an engine sitting in the road, the force must have been tremendous to rip it out from the compartment and skate it down the road!
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