Three meals per day

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
There was an item on the news about rising energy costs, where one mother was suggesting energy was becoming so expensive, it had become heat or eat, on benefits. She was complaining that she was having to go to food banks for food and having to give up one of her three meals per day, to ensure her kids could have their three per day - REALLY?

We have one proper dinner per day, rarely bother with breakfast at the most a slice of toast, even less a lunch.
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There was an item on the news about rising energy costs, where one mother was suggesting energy was becoming so expensive, it had become heat or eat, on benefits. She was complaining that she was having to go to food banks for food and having to give up one of her three meals per day, to ensure her kids could have their three per day - REALLY?

We have one proper dinner per day, rarely bother with breakfast at the most a slice of toast, even less a lunch.
You would expect children to have 3 meals a day.

there are an awful lot of people in food and or energy poverty.
Some of the breakfasts in my breakfast thread would keep some people going all day. I can barely make it to elevenses some days. ;)
You would expect children to have 3 meals a day.

there are an awful lot of people in food and or energy poverty.

Yes, but would a fully grown adult need, want, or expect three meals per day? Working away, I would have a cooked breakfast and an evening meals, not away, the one evening meal was enough.

Yes, there is energy poverty and it is certain to get worse soon, some people though I find are just incompetent with money.
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bit off a strange thread this one ???
to me a meal is a bowl off soup and a slice off bread or a home made salad sandwich
a pie mixed veg an a few chipps or mash them maybe two slices off toast and cheese
thats 5 seperate meals but not in the same day but examples
now iff your portions are small [like mine] around the 200-300grams mark mostly veg then you need 3 meals but iff your portions are larger you may only need 2 or three if fairly sedate
if you are manual 'very mobile/active or a hyper child you will need 3 meals
remember iff you like an old fashioned round the table meal they tend to be nearer 450-500grams mark or the more sensible 350-400grm mark to avoid obesity
but it all depends on what else you consume not only at meal time but snack on throught the day ;);)
You would expect children to have 3 meals a day.

there are an awful lot of people in food and or energy poverty.
Most people are grossly over-fed - we're the fattest nation in Europe (bar malta)

should a max BMI be put onto food banks ?
She was complaining that she was having to go to food banks

More likely complaining that she was stuck in the queue behind behind one of our NHS angels (average salary 34K rising to 90K excluding overtime and freelancing).
Don't get me wrong, food banks are a great resource for the needy, the fact we have less than Germany speaks volumes for our benefits system, the fact the press highlight that nurses are 'forced' to use them stinks of fake news and bad reporting.
In a perfect world they shouldn't be necessary, but the fact they are there means they will be abused.

In one of my wife's previous positions she gave out 'food vouchers' to single mothers, she knew several of the recipients who wore designer clothes and whose parents were local businessmen, they didn't need vouchers, it simply gave them more disposable income to spend on luxuries.
On the other side of the coin she spent several 'pre christmas weeks' buying chickens, vegetables, toys, etc to distribute to families in distress where the husband had lost his job and they were the type of people who didn't know how to milk the system because they'd never been in that position before. She came home on at least two occasions in tears because she'd seen a grown man cry because he was so grateful that he could provide his family with some sort of christmas, I'm actually welling up as I type this because I can remember how affected she was, desperately sad on the one hand that people were in that position, but to see a grown man cry out of gratitude that he could give his family a roast chicken dinner and toys to his children was overwhelming.
Her budget came from the council but the toys and part of the food came from Asda and the like, those contributions dried up after a concerted effort by the local 'childrens hospice', great charity, who can resist a terminally ill kid?, and they recruit professional fund raisers, anyway, a fabulously rich charity, who accommodate a dozen dying kids a year have stripped contributions to other areas, are the others more needy? I don't know, what I do know is that any charity that isn't government funded should be treated with suspicion, their funding and director pay should be examined in close detail.

We are facing a problem (worldwide and f**k all to do with brexit) with inflation, rising energy costs, that will effect not just the poor but the middle classes, Whoever leads the Conservative party needs to focus on their promise of re-levelling and pulling people out of poverty.

I'm half hoping Boris can get his act together (the haircut is a good start) and make some moves in this direction, if he doesn't whoever replaces him isn't going to do much better, and if the Tories fall from power, Labour will likely do worse.

Boris at this point in time is a bit of a f**k up, but we've got the most relaxed covid rules in Europe and that's paying off, Europe are now saying they need to copy us, as are Scotland and Wales, add that to the vaccine rollout and he's done some good, the UK is leading the way.

I'm optimistic.(y)
Don't get me wrong, food banks are a great resource for the needy, the fact we have less than Germany speaks volumes for our benefits system, the fact the press highlight that nurses are 'forced' to use them stinks of fake news and bad reporting.
In a perfect world they shouldn't be necessary, but the fact they are there means they will be abused.

I had never heard of food banks, before the past few years, I have certainly never used one. I also thought it was just in the UK where we had them.

and they recruit professional fund raisers, anyway, a fabulously rich charity, who accommodate a dozen dying kids a year have stripped contributions to other areas, are the others more needy? I don't know, what I do know is that any charity that isn't government funded should be treated with suspicion, their funding and director pay should be examined in close detail.

I avoid charities like the plague, why should I put my hard earned towards helping fund a very well paid charity operator? The sheer number of different charities set up for the very same purpose, is a good indication of how profitable it can be to run a charity. Now if those operating a charity, were forced to run it without deriving any income or expenses from it, then I would help them, but they don't - they rely on the generosity of a gullible public and hundreds of volunteers, whilst those running it take a good salary and expenses. I would rather give help and funding direct to someone genuinely in need.

Then there are the 'chugger' companies, waylaying passers-by in busy streets and going door to door, signing people up to make regular payments to charities - making fat fees for themselves and the companies they work for. We used to get them very regularly at our door, claiming to be collecting for one charity or another. It got so bad here, that I resorted to fitting a large notice on my garden gate 'No chuggers'.

Hundreds of charity ads on the TV, requesting support for donkeys, gorillas, lions, tigers, elephants, rhinos - you name the animal, there will be at least one charity requesting support for them, plus the various kids charities. If it weren't so financially remunerative to run a charity, there wouldn't be so very many all claiming to be supporting exactly the same thing.

I have certainly never heard of anyone receiving any help from any of the large well funded charities, rather help seems to come from the tiny local charities.
I'm half hoping Boris can get his act together
Don't be so silly, Boris couldn't organise a pi55 up in a garden, unless it's against the rules, then he'll allow it to happen, accidentally, and not recognise it as a pi55 up in a garden. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I'm optimistic.(y)
Well, there's nowt wrong with being optimistic, but hoping Boris will make things better is like hoping Prince Andy will be the next Pope. :rolleyes:
I had never heard of food banks, before the past few years, I have certainly never used one. I also thought it was just in the UK where we had them.

I avoid charities like the plague, why should I put my hard earned towards helping fund a very well paid charity operator? The sheer number of different charities set up for the very same purpose, is a good indication of how profitable it can be to run a charity. Now if those operating a charity, were forced to run it without deriving any income or expenses from it, then I would help them, but they don't - they rely on the generosity of a gullible public and hundreds of volunteers, whilst those running it take a good salary and expenses. I would rather give help and funding direct to someone genuinely in need.

Then there are the 'chugger' companies, waylaying passers-by in busy streets and going door to door, signing people up to make regular payments to charities - making fat fees for themselves and the companies they work for. We used to get them very regularly at our door, claiming to be collecting for one charity or another. It got so bad here, that I resorted to fitting a large notice on my garden gate 'No chuggers'.

Hundreds of charity ads on the TV, requesting support for donkeys, gorillas, lions, tigers, elephants, rhinos - you name the animal, there will be at least one charity requesting support for them, plus the various kids charities. If it weren't so financially remunerative to run a charity, there wouldn't be so very many all claiming to be supporting exactly the same thing.

I have certainly never heard of anyone receiving any help from any of the large well funded charities, rather help seems to come from the tiny local charities.
We give to local charities regularly
More likely complaining that she was stuck in the queue behind behind one of our NHS angels (average salary 34K rising to 90K excluding overtime and freelancing).
Don't get me wrong, food banks are a great resource for the needy, the fact we have less than Germany speaks volumes for our benefits system, the fact the press highlight that nurses are 'forced' to use them stinks of fake news and bad reporting.

Where on Earth does that annual average figure come from? No fully-qualified nurse at the top of their band will earn £34k... I think that figure is skewed by the 'managers' at bands six and seven who bring home grossly inflated wages. Don't let them warp your perception of who has really been doing the hard work during all of this. Out of their wage, many have to pay hundreds for their car every month (if they are a district/community nurse) and if they're at a hospital they'll likely be paying daft prices to park every week.
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