Trolley rage

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28 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
I was in my local supermarket on Saturday, joined a queue behind a woman carrying a newspaper, she put it on the conveyor and wandered off, as the conveyor moved I placed the next customer bar and proceeded to load my groceries. She arrived back and said her husband was coming with a trolley load and would I mind moving back, I refused, was I right or wrong?
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I think its ok for her to forget an item, but grabbing a place in the queue for someone to arrive with a trolly, is a pee take.
I bet she puts her towel on a sunbed the night before!!

Easier for her to move her paper than you to move your entire shop.
And yet the opposite is happening in pubs.

It used to be that people stood at the bar, and the staff served them in (roughly) the correct order.
But snaking queues are now becoming more common.
I remember once being stood at a bar ordering a round of drinks, one or two at a time, and passing them out to people as the barman delivered them. It was a large-ish group. By the time the last drink(s) had been provided, the first drinkers had finished theirs, so I just carried on. IIRC we'd been round about 2½ times before the barman twigged what was going on.
And yet the opposite is happening in pubs.

It used to be that people stood at the bar, and the staff served them in (roughly) the correct order.
But snaking queues are now becoming more common.
Wetherspoons said that they actively try and avoid single 'post office' style queues.
"It’s customary for customers to line the length of the bar that’s why we have on average four to five tills.
"We try to avoid post office style singular queue.
"But they sometimes naturally form despite the best efforts."

'Tis a funny thing about 'naturally forming queues'...

I rarely see such queues in the 'Spoons, but commonly see them in working mens' / constitutional type clubs (when they have functions on).
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