Well obviously he deserves it...

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when i heard his injury was 1" away from killing him i was disgusted, i mean FFS if you go to the bother of attaching a blade to a toothbrush slit the fokker in the right place
To be done away with, is probably the thing he wishes most, why pander to his wishes, a few more close shaves (no pun intended) is what he needs, let him live in fear.

doesn't the bible say "an eye for an eye"?
he killed someone so he forefits his own life.. hang the bastard..

I wonder how much trouble the guard would be in if he took an extra few minutes to call for help? let the git bleed to death a bit more..
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I have been christened, went to a "holy trinity" school and attended church once a month until I was 16.. but I'm not a bible basher and barely paid attention in church.. it was boring as hell..

I was forced to attend as my parent went once a month and took me when I was younger, and later had to attend as it was a mandate of our cub / scout group ( which my parents were leaders of, so again no choice but to join.. )
bit chancy plucking bits out of the bible then.

you can also find it says that people should be put to death for disobeying a parent , adultery, kidnapping, working on the Sabbath, blasphemy, homosexuality, losing virginity before marriage etc.

There's be a lot more people in the cemetries if we followed all of the Old Testament.
bit chancy plucking bits out of the bible then.

you can also find it says that people should be put to death for disobeying a parent , adultery, kidnapping, working on the Sabbath, blasphemy, homosexuality, losing virginity before marriage etc.

There's be a lot more people in the cemetries if we followed all of the Old Testament.

there'd be no-one left to turn out the lights!
Being slashed with a razor is not a punishment as part of our law & order process.
The prison is at fault for allowing prisoners to make weapons and attack each other.
It could easily just have been some youngster in for shoplifting doing a 6 month stretch, getting slashed for 'looking at someone the wrong way'.
Being slashed with a razor is not a punishment as part of our law & order process.
The prison is at fault for allowing prisoners to make weapons and attack each other.
It could easily just have been some youngster in for shoplifting doing a 6 month stretch, getting slashed for 'looking at someone the wrong way'.

you've got it.

Scenario: your son/daughter gets banged up for selling drugs. prisoner John/Jane Doe decides 'I don't like drug dealers, i don't know anything about the case but i'll be judge, jury and executioner anyway', and slashes your child's throat.
would you then say 'oh, well, that's OK, another criminal off the streets'? i doubt it.
and what of john/jane doe? they have just become a murderer. do you release them early for doing society a favour? do you say 'go on, find some more criminals and kill them, too'.
whether inside or outside prison, these people are just playing at being vigilantes. is that what we need? if that was the state of play we'd be in serious trouble.
you can also find it says that people should be put to death for disobeying a parent , adultery, kidnapping, working on the Sabbath, blasphemy, homosexuality, losing virginity before marriage etc.
best keep your head down, blas, they're coming to take you away, Ha Ha :eek:
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