What DIY job ...

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
... would you like to tackle but know you probably never will? Can be anything from smaller to larger jobs.

Hopefully this thread won't descend into chaos!!! Please try to give a proper response :)

I always fancied installing double glazing myself, however although I plan to have a window and door replaced next year, on balance I'm going to leave it to the pros. They'll do in a day or less what would probably take me 2 days minimum, plus they'll take all the old stuff away. More hassle than it's worth!
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I've got a conservatory I'd love to rebuild, but it'd take me ages and I'd probably screw it up.
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Quite like the thought of battening out a roof and then tiling it.
Working from a scaffold in place of ladders.
I'd like to do my internal bifolds, but know i need a carpenter..
I don't like the world of DIY. These jobs should all be done by workmen with overalls and flat caps with fags behind their ears. They should work from a "depot" or a "yard" and not from their own homes and should certainly not drive white vans. Commer vans or British Leyland trucks are preferable, and these will be kept at the yard and will never be seen out of work hours. At the depot there will be pin-up girls on the wall amongst the charts about abrasive wheels and drill speeds. When there is no work they will play cards or read the Racing Post, or hang about the yard warming their hands on a coal brazier. The will be a "stores" in the depot, and when anybody needs any materials they will fill in a "chit". At clocking-off time most of the workers will be straight out of the yard and into the pub over the road. Those with young families will go home, by bicycle, which they will mount in that way that cyclists used to do, by running down the road with it with one foot on the pedal before finally vaulting over the crossbar and away.
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The trade stuff generally doesn't phase me, although I'm pretty.crap at plastering, so maybe doing a perfect plastering job

When I was a young man I think I'd have answered gynaecology...

@andy11 you have never driven a Commer 1500.or a BMC J2 - theybwere both horrible. As to depots, chits, etc then a dozen years ago Bradford City Council would have been right up your street - they were still working that way back then!
@andy11 you have never driven a Commer 1500.or a BMC J2 - theybwere both horrible.
BMC - that was the one I couldn't remember.

Were there fewer road accidents in those days? There's a school of thought that says you shouldn't be comfortable in a road vehicle; it leads to a false sense of security and a disregard of the outside world. Cars are too slick now and drivers too pampered.
Were there fewer road accidents in those days? There's a school of thought that says you shouldn't be comfortable in a road vehicle; it leads to a false sense of security and a disregard of the outside world. Cars are too slick now and drivers too pampered.
It's called "risk compensation" & it's very worth your while to research it & understand.

Making things "safer" has probably killed & maimed more people than everything else put together & timesed by 2.

They say that the "safest" thing to do with automobiles is to strip out all the "safety" devices & fit a 6" spike on the steering wheel pointed straight at the drivers throat.
It's called "risk compensation" & it's very worth your while to research it & understand.

Making things "safer" has probably killed & maimed more people than everything else put together & timesed by 2.

They say that the "safest" thing to do with automobiles is to strip out all the "safety" devices & fit a 6" spike on the steering wheel pointed straight at the drivers throat.
a spike will work till complacency and the fact you haven't yet died [same thing] turn into a bubble off security through nothing going wrong we are all very intelligent and both very, very thick as learning can only happen when somthing goes wrong then we are reminded we are far far les aware[i wont say less intelegent ]than we think we are so things will go wrong

we all think we are intelligent and sensible and are reasonable at perceiving risk the simple facts are no one is perfect the more perfect you think you are the more dangerous you will tend to be----
---although with more awareness training and understanding with the ability to absorb and accept we can reduce risk greatly ---or at least the ones that can listen can (y)
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