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Accidentally pressing a couple of keys with my sausage fingers on my pc and suddenly everything on the screen changes. Just did it and the task and tool bars disappeared. Took me 15 mins of Googling to find that pressing F11 returns everything to normal. Not the first time accidentally hit keys that make unintended changes. :evil:
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Accidentally pressing a couple of buttons with my sausage fingers on my pc and suddenly everything on the screen changes. Just did it and the task and tool bars disappeared. Took me 15 mins of Googling to find that pressing F11 returns everything to normal. Not the first time accidentally hit keys that make unintended changes. :evil:

Thanks. I've not heard of that one before. I keep a folder in my bookmarks for things like that in case they happen again, because they're so annoying and it can take ages to track down the answer.

I'm using Google Chrome browser on Windows 10, and I've just tried pressing F11. It opened a full screen mode - and then pressing it again took it back to normal. Good to know!
Thanks. I've not heard of that one before. I keep a folder in my bookmarks for things like that in case they happen again, because they're so annoying and it can take ages to track down the answer.

I'm using Google Chrome browser on Windows 10, and I've just tried pressing F11. It opened a full screen mode - and then pressing it again took it back to normal. Good to know!

The thing was, I didn't hit F11 to cause the problem - I hit a couple of keys by accident in the 'E R T 4 5' keys area of the desktop's keyboard. So there's more than one way of going in and out of full screen. They've set traps all over the keyboard if you err and hit a certain combination of keys. I'll never get the hang of this technology! :giggle:
Accidentally pressing a couple of buttons with my sausage fingers on my pc and suddenly everything on the screen changes. Just did it and the task and tool bars disappeared. Took me 15 mins of Googling to find that pressing F11 returns everything to normal. Not the first time accidentally hit keys that make unintended changes. :evil:

Windows is filled with traps for the unwary. I've just had a week of stop/go, made very obvious by an IP cam. Watch the cam, and it shows FPS rate of around 12, rapidly varying - except every few seconds it would pause completely, then start again. Lots of apps were also sluggish, Task Manager showed nothing unusual, no updates taking place. I ended up shutting running apps down, one by one, trying to trace the cause, nothing made a difference to the cam. Finally closed the cam viewer down, then bought the apps back up one by one and all working again just fine.
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the dumbing down of radio presenters. Especially those who talk as if they are personal friends with each and every listener.

Radio 2 sounds like Radio 1 used to sound like 10 years ago.....
I'm so pleased that R2 has lost Steve Wright in the afternoons (just wish they had done that years ago) - I have/had no time time at all for his presentation actions. Never could understand why people thought he was any good.
The most annoying one is a bit long.
I was trying to park, in one of those car parks which is full so all you can do is go round and round.
So I sat at the entrance to the "circle", blocking the way. I could see all the car park so it was a queue, in effect. A little guy in a little car came up behind and started beeping.
"WHat you do" - I told him I was waiting for a space.
So he said he had to go and he couldn't reverse the 15 yds from the way in. "I not park then, I want go". " You let me by I go round and out".

So I moved .
Someone came for their car, so he blocked me and took the space.
I got out, livid. a foot taller than him and twice as wide. One option was to kill him. The other was to just drive off, so that's what I did.
Local town car park, Woman waiting in car park (in an early Landrover - notice telling drivers to back into parking bays, allows car out of parking bay, drives past and reverses into the bay... However a young tearaway has slotted himself into the bay which she didn't see and she reversed into him. Oops...

Tearaway starts giving her lip so she points him to the sign, moves her car forward to give some space, then reverses into the tearaways car much faster, smiles politely to everyone looking at the noise and drives off to park in another parking bay. Tearaway tries too report her to the car park operators who have zero sympathy with him.
Feedback requests. We went out for lunch today and I booked online. I've had three requests for feedback. One from the restaurant, one from Google and one from 'Fork' the app I booked through. Annoying.
Next door kids kept coming to my garden because my fence is destroyed at the moment. Annoying.
Feedback requests. We went out for lunch today and I booked online. I've had three requests for feedback. One from the restaurant, one from Google and one from 'Fork' the app I booked through. Annoying.
Tell Fork to fork orf...
Accidentally pressing a couple of keys with my sausage fingers on my pc and suddenly everything on the screen changes. Just did it and the task and tool bars disappeared. Took me 15 mins of Googling to find that pressing F11 returns everything to normal. Not the first time accidentally hit keys that make unintended changes. :evil:
Happens to me often.

My phone keypad is even smaller. You will always know when I'm typing on my phone, because it makes little grammatical sense.
Happens to me often.

My phone keypad is even smaller. You will always know when I'm typing on my phone, because it makes little grammatical sense.

Luckily I don't have a smart phone, so not got that problem. Whenever my brother passes me his and says have a look at this, or look at those photos - normally ok for a photo or two. Then I make the wrong finger movement and everything on screen changes. Brother usually gets exasperated with me and calls me something like a "ham-fisted oaf". :giggle:

Willingly admit I'm an analogue person trapped in a digital world. :rolleyes:
Parisian airport taxi drivers who won’t take me to my local hotel as it’s too close.

In the end one agreed so I gave him a nice cash tip.

They cannot refuse you once you are in the vehicle..

And they wonder why people prefer uber. Still the international passport control had 8 counters open and the EU one only 2. So no queue
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