Is there anything...

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21 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom this country that has nothing to do with immigration? If so, we could amicably discuss it here. joe-90 - you're welcome too.

So, the Holocaust eh? That certainly cut down on immigration for a while. :evil:
Sponsored Links this country that has nothing to do with immigration? If so, we could amicably discuss it here. joe-90 - you're welcome too.

So, the Holocaust eh? That certainly cut down on immigration for a while. :evil:

Yes. Any topic which does not involve people in any shape or form will, in theory, have nothing to do with immigration, However, since it is people who create and respond to the posts in this forum, then the answer must be no. There will always be one person who cleverly or clumsily will introduce his pet subject.

PS No reply required.

PPS Eg, see 'Miles To The Gallon' post!
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Peace Man
Nope! On another topic someone complained about the immigrants coming over and having it off with our (his expression, not mine) women.

Yes, that was me. Do you think I am serious about this or not?
Nope! On another topic someone complained about the immigrants coming over and having it off with our (his expression, not mine) women.
What a terrible thing to say!! who would have said such a thing?
So, the Holocaust eh? That certainly cut down on immigration for a while. :evil:

We aren't allowed to talk about it for some reason. Did you know that despite hundreds of concentration camp guards being charged with inhuman brutality after the war in the war trials that not a single solitary person has ever been charged with operating or assisting with the operation of a gas chamber? I wonder why that is?
Well you know what CORGI and the HSE are like!
So, the Holocaust eh? That certainly cut down on immigration for a while. :evil:

We aren't allowed to talk about it for some reason. Did you know that despite hundreds of concentration camp guards being charged with inhuman brutality after the war in the war trials that not a single solitary person has ever been charged with operating or assisting with the operation of a gas chamber? I wonder why that is?
Because the Nazis used the inmates to do this "job"..........look up Sonderkommando (or similar spelling).......and the guards took turns to chuck in the Zyklon B :mad:
joe-90 said:
I wonder why that is?
I can hardly believe I'm having to point this out, but to bring a successful prosecution, in the civilised world, there needs to be a trial with witnesses.

Given that so many victims were 'unavailable', on account of having a prior engagement to lie immobile in a burial pit, and so many of those who gave the orders had either committed suicide or been killed after being tried, may I ask you who, precisely, according to the strange maelstrom that whirls around inside your head, do you think could have been called as a witness in such a trial?
We aren't allowed to talk about it for some reason. Did you know that despite hundreds of concentration camp guards being charged with inhuman brutality after the war in the war trials that not a single solitary person has ever been charged with operating or assisting with the operation of a gas chamber? I wonder why that is?

The charges laid against the guards were non specific about the activity of the individual guards. To have prepared individual and specific charges per guard would have delayed the trial.

Many of the worst offenders at guard level did not survive to reach the court room. Some met very unpleasant slow deaths during and soon after the liberations of the camps.

In cold hard reality the murder in a gas chamber was by comparison less horrific than the other long duration attrocities that were carried out on long suffering victims.

One survivor was relieved that his wife and children had lived less than an hour in the camp. He would not have wished them to have endured one day of the torture he endured for three years.
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