Can't wait for my chlorinated, antibiotic and hormone fed meat

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Ahh that tired old argument.

What you will find is as the National Farmers Union director Steve Howarth said that if we accept hormone reared beef from the US our local farmers should be able to do likewise and put them on the same playing field.

It will be a race to the bottom.
It's not a tired old argument.
Look at the role of consumers to play their part in the welfare and quality of the meat they buy. One of the roles is to 'pay a higher price for premium welfare products'. So yes, pop down to your local butcher who can tell you where the meat has come from. Or better still, buy it from a local farmer shop if any nearby... Can't afford to buy? Buy less, eat less and reduce your impact on the environment to boot.

If knowing what you eat is important to you then make it happen. Perhaps then you won't be eating your hormones or antibiotics after all. I am hoping, as the UK has been a leader on animal welfare for so many years, that this will not become a thing of the past once brexit has happened.

Interesting reading here too if you care other than what you're about to munch on chemical-wise:
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The problem with that argument is that it was an issue of compliance and not lax regulation.
And if people in this country weren't so parochial, and so scared of anything new or "foreign" there'd have been no need for it, as they'd be OK with knowingly eating horse.
And if people in this country weren't so parochial, and so scared of anything new or "foreign" there'd have been no need for it, as they'd be OK with knowingly eating horse.
Is it about a fear of foreign, or are you just dissing the people of the UK without much thought? I'd have thought myself that things like horse, dog, cat etc it's more about the UK having certain animals that they love as pets and put more value on their lives, not a food source.
Unless of course you understand that horse meat is finer quality and nutritionally better...

Be that as it may, it was c. a third of the price of minced beef during the shenanigans.

So, you see no problem with paying £3 per lb, when you could have had it for £1 per lb?
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