RFID Wallet Protection

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Anybody got an RFID wallet or cards that go inside them?

Do they work?

Reviews I'm seeing say they are either useless or set off security screens.
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I always thought they were a way to make people buy more expensive wallets and not much more.
I've got some stuff that I sprinkle over the garden to keep lions away. It works!
I keep my car key in one. It works, the car doesn’t know the key is there and if you open it up the car knows the key is there but says it’s not close enough to start it.
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As Ian has said they work for car keys, having seen a demonstration of how a car key can be read from a significant distance (*) and the data used to create a clone of the key I now keep my car keys in a metal pot.

(*) a hand held scanning antenna is far more sensitive than the antenna in the car. A Key has to be within a couple of metres of the car to be read by the car. A scanner can read a key that is much further away,
wrap your cards in some silver foil - hey presto same effect but far far cheaper.
Tin foil works. I no longer use contactless as I have all my cards on my watch. At least if I take that off you have to enter a pass code before you can access it.
Metal foil in the outer pocket of a folding wallet works absolutely fine to prevent your cards being skimmed. Any sort of metal box or metal foil wrapped around can be used to prevent your car with an RFID type key, from being stolen - try it.
I have a wallet with built in whatnot. Suspect it is mylar. .. Tap wallet over cashier's scanner. .. nowt. Remove card from wallet and wave card over, beep. So I say it works. Never seen anyone dicking about with foil ....
I have a wallet with built in whatnot. Suspect it is mylar. .. Tap wallet over cashier's scanner. .. nowt. Remove card from wallet and wave card over, beep. So I say it works. Never seen anyone dicking about with foil ....

Myler is not RF proof, though metalised myler film might be.

If you present more than one card to the reader, as there will likely be in your wallet, then the reader can become confused - likely that is the reason you have to remove the card from your wallet.

Unlikely, but your card can be skimmed for its details whilst still in your wallet and the wallet still in your pocket. All it needs is some screening to prevent it being skimmed and several cheap materials will provide that screening. I use a thin plastic metallised foil, that I know screens the contents from RF, rather than risk my cards being skimmed.
Myler is not RF proof, though metalised myler film might be.

If you present more than one card to the reader, as there will likely be in your wallet, then the reader can become confused - likely that is the reason you have to remove the card from your wallet.

Unlikely, but your card can be skimmed for its details whilst still in your wallet and the wallet still in your pocket. All it needs is some screening to prevent it being skimmed and several cheap materials will provide that screening. I use a thin plastic metallised foil, that I know screens the contents from RF, rather than risk my cards being skimmed.

Guess it is MMF then,
and no, it's not the matter of multiple cards. I have only one CAP card in my wallet.
I recently moved to using ApplePay. It seems to be much more secure as I (or at least my thumb) have to be present when my Iphone is used for payment. The banks seem to agree it is more secure than cards, because the £30 contactless limit no longer applies. Have the phone lost or stolen, your thumb print is needed to make a payment. I have not yet worked out how to make online payments using ApplePay, I mostly use Paypal anyway for those. I'm close to only carrying my phone, no money and no wallet.
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