EU Budget

14 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom

Rather than trimming their spending to overcome the £62Bn shortfall after Brexit, EU are seeking more money from the remaining net EU contributors (which aren't many of the 27). The fallout is going to make interesting headlines, especially if EU continue to play hard ball on UK trade talks.
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The EU arent playing hard ball on trade talks

Johnson signed the political declaration which included a level playing field, now he is trying to renege on it
Same also with Irish protocol

I would suggest you concentrate on the problems brexit will bring not the EU budget talks.
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I would suggest you concentrate on the problems brexit will bring
Spoken like a true remainer. When. Jan 1st 2021? Two years time? Five years time? 10 years time? Hey, here’s a thought, let’s not take that defeatist/loser attitude.
Johnson signed the political declaration which included a level playing field, now he is trying to renege on it
Same also with Irish protocol

Shock horror! Johnson lying and reneging on his promises!

Would never have seen that one coming. And people still worship the ground he walks on.
Johnson signed the political declaration which included a level playing field, now he is trying to renege on it
Same also with Irish protocol

And...………….the EU are reneging on their offer of a Canada type deal, everyone's at it mate.
It's interesting to note that the nay-sayers and doom mongers of Team Remain were constantly belittling the UK's position (even undermining it) and promoting the EUs propaganda and spouting how the EU will consolidate their position post Brexit and all those trade matters that the UK gov were saying were important [to the EU, and could be leverage to the UK] weren't really important and the UKs negotiating position was weak.

And here we are. :rolleyes:

Now we are seeing just how poor the EUs position is, and how important the UKs trade with them is, how important the UKs EEZ is, and how scared the EU are regarding the UK trading with the rest of the world.

And before the usual lot frantically google for some stats and links to disprove this, don't bother. We are seeing the EU spokespeople daily on the news already demonstrating their tenuous negotiating hand, and divisions.
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