Accessing US style healthcare

Does the EU currently have a trade deal with the US?
Has the EU been forced to import chlorinated chicken?
Is the US managing health care in the EU?

Just asking.
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Does the EU currently have a trade deal with the US?
Has the EU been forced to import chlorinated chicken?
Is the US managing health care in the EU?

Just asking.

there is a difference, the leaders of the EU dont get kickbacks from EU businesses
The Tory ministers are connected to right wing think tanks who get their funding from US businesses including fossil fuel interests, agriculture and healthcare.
the think tanks pay Tory ministers who then meet up with US businessmen.

Also the EU arent desperate for trade deals, they have most of the world covered already
The UK has just torn up its trade deal to its biggest trade partner
The EU has the power to turn down a trade deal with the US that would include chlorinated chicken, the UK not so much

the EU does have a mutual recognition agreement with the US
Also the most favoured nation tariffs between the EU-US are already pretty low, further savings can only really come from reductions in NTBs
To see if this chlorinated chicken is safe they should serve it up in prisons for those convicted of serious offences

obviously keep it quiet

see how it go's

ounce again Transam applies simplistic common sense to solve a problem :cool::cool:

dare say the Chinese will be carrying out tests on prisoners for a corona virus cure ;)
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To see if this chlorinated chicken is safe they should serve it up in prisons for those convicted of serious offences

It's perfectly safe and the EU have no issues with it in terms of safety. In the US, they put a few more chickens in a cage than we do, so the living conditions rise from over crowded to slightly more overcrowded.
Being slightly more overcrowded can lead to slightly less sanitary conditions. In the US this is countered by washing the meat with water and a small amount of chlorine, a bit like drinking water in most of the world. The EU feel that if better living conditions were provided for the chickens, a chlorine wash would not be required. They're barred from the EU for animal welfare reasons.
I've never managed to find any statistics outlining the difference in instances of salmonella between the EU and US.
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It's perfectly safe and the EU have no issues with it in terms of safety. In the US, they put a few more chickens in a cage than we do, so the living conditions rise from over crowded to slightly more overcrowded.
Being slightly more overcrowded can lead to slightly less sanitary conditions. In the US this is countered by washing the meat with water and a small amount of chlorine, a bit like drinking water in most of the world. The EU feel that if better living conditions were provided for the chickens, a chlorine wash would not be required. They're barred from the EU for animal welfare reasons.
I've never managed to find any statistics outlining the difference in instances of salmonella between the EU and US.
All wrong
Differences between US and UK drug costs

So Notch.... How "right wing" do you think Boris is? (Out of interest)
I thought that the only difference between drug costs was down to the length of the patents (5 years I think?) after the patents run out they are the same.
As I see it, Boris has always been more centrist than right wing
So Notch.... How "right wing" do you think Boris is? (Out of interest)

Johnson has no ideological leaning, he is a narcissist with a drive for power.

He has been using Steve Bannon for campaign strategy
His brexit strategy has been populism / nationalism -which belong to both hard left and right

He is using Elliotts and Cummings strategies which involve an executive power grab, replacing ministerial SPADs with no10 advisors. He is also trying to control the media. Try looking up the definition of protofacsism.

Johnson and the Tory party arent driven by political ideology only vested self interests.
Boris is on the Johnson side.

He's an opportunist and will say whatever he thinks will do him some good.

Who campaigned for Turkey to join the EU? Johnson.
Who said it was terrible that Turkey was going to join the EU? Johnson.
Who said it would be best for UK to stay in the EU? Johnson
Who said it would be best for UK to leave the EU? Johnson.
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