WHO does not rule out that virus started in a Lab

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That document is worthless unless an actual link to where it can be obtained is posted.
Otherwise it could just be something you knocked up?
That is getting boring now.
As previously stated funny how everything I provide is knocked up yet when someone says my niece or a family member works in a hospital(with no proof) it’s gospel.
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I thought I made up that data myself according to mattylad and I thought I thought I was special by having access to the data when I admitted in a previous post it’s readily available.
Mind you as you said the earliest part of Covid was August 2020 I would rather speak with someone who is abit more knowledgeable.
Yep your correct all this Covid malarkey only started 4 months ago.
I thought I made up that data myself according to mattylad and I thought I thought I was special by having access to the data when I admitted in a previous post it’s readily available.
You chose not to give a link. Would you care to explain why?
Mind you as you said the earliest part of Covid was August 2020 I would rather speak with someone who is abit more knowledgeable.
Yep your correct all this Covid malarkey only started 4 months ago.
Jonny quoted the earliest days in the spreadsheet, when Covid-19 cases were very low. There were 800 or so admitted at that point.
The spreadsheet, not Covid-19 :rolleyes:

But now that's done with, would you say the Royal Liverpool was probably very busy with Covid-19 during November?
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You chose not to give a link. Would you care to explain why? And less of the drama quee

The spreadsheet, not Covid-19 :rolleyes:

But now that's done with, would you say the Royal Liverpool was probably very busy with Covid-19 during November?
I chose not to provide a link as if it comes from me supposedly it’s false but if it comes from you or someone’s wife’s,niece etc it must be true.
You could provide the exact bit of info I do but if it’s from me it’s false if it’s from you it must be true.
The NHS are not and never have been overwhelmed with Covid.
I chose not to provide a link as if it comes from me supposedly it’s false but if it comes from you or someone’s wife’s,niece etc it must be true.
You could provide the exact bit of info I do but if it’s from me it’s false if it’s from you it must be true.
The NHS are not and never have been overwhelmed with Covid.
Wow, you miss the point entirely. If you'd given the link then the data wouldn't have been coming from you, you'd just be reporting it. My numbers have a source, yours didn't until I provided it for you, you're welcome.

What % of beds being occupied, or % of cases would you describe as overwhelmed? What metric do you choose to use?
Wow, you miss the point entirely. If you'd given the link then the data wouldn't have been coming from you, you'd just be reporting it.

What % of beds being occupied, or % of cases would you describe as overwhelmed?
His statistical analysis and extrapalation method.
A.A bloke he knows knows someone on FB who saw an empty room in a hospital therefore all hospitals are empty.
B.A friend of a friend had a heart attack but it says Covid death, therefore all Covid deaths are a lie....THE JTheP approach to Science.Do not look for anything deeper..That is it.
Wow, you miss the point entirely. If you'd given the link then the data wouldn't have been coming from you, you'd just be reporting it. My numbers have a source, yours didn't until I provided it for you, you're welcome.

What % of beds being occupied, or % of cases would you describe as overwhelmed? What metric do you choose to use?
Or so I could fact check for myself rather than listen to the ludicrous numbers being thrown about by you media lemmings
Or so I could fact check for myself rather than listen to the ludicrous numbers being thrown about by you media lemmings
I'd really appreciate an answer to
What % of beds being occupied, or % of cases would you describe as overwhelmed? What metric do you choose to use?
Because if you can't say what metric would show the NHS, or individual hospitals, being overwhelmed then it is a waste of time looking at any numbers.
There is a way the plumber can say what he is saying but he is either being rather thick or playing smart arse because in some ways what he is saying is correct.

A hospital is set up to provide for some area that contains a population of people.
Overtime they know what they will need to treat and the numbers of people who need specific treatments. :( There is a right rats nest behind that where people could wish they were in BUPA.
The equipment needed is provided to allow them to do that.
They hope to provide the people needed to service it. That actually includes some bought in as temps even nurses.

So they are set up to handle a whole range of things at expected rates few needing oxygen for any length of time or ICU's. Some areas are deliberately limited to some handling rate. Winter flu is one as the need varies. In all years it's trivial compared with covid and has been for a very long time but it and increases in other areas usually makes them rather busy for a while over winter. Getting hip etc replacements can take a long long time. Some treatments aren't given as the outcome isn't economically feasible. Some might die as the result of the treatment so how many survive etc. Some things are easier to cure than others. Drug costs come into it - is what they offer worth while. MRI costs more than x-rays and those cost more than ultrasound scans. ;) Personal beef for me due to a problem I had especially when the ultrasound man told me they find nothing at all on the people they scan for this type of problem and they scan loads. I'd love to know who came up with the idea of calling NICE nice.

So along comes covid and suddenly rather a lot of people need oxygen and also ICU's. That then limits capacity so the boost it anyway they can. They need to do as much of their normal work that they can without people who need it catching covid. That means dividing the work force and the hospital but the workers in both areas can still catch it so people in self isolation numbers creep up. They are just as likely to catch it away from work as we are. In covid areas they do their best to avoid catching it but nothing is perfect so some do. They are a rather specialised lot so to keep things going that has to stop. That removes people from other areas limiting what that area can do.

There are 2 other covid areas other than the ICU's. What might be called covid wards and HDU's, those for people who may need an ICU. Things started changing in the 1st wave. Better treatment and equipment that reduces the numbers going into ICU's. It doesn't change the numbers going in and probably extends treatment time. Seconds to catch it and a week plus to cure.

Currently HCU's look to be the limitation along with increases in the numbers needing just oxygen. There is an increase in younger age groups in that area. Then comes the fact that there are more cases as well. Death ratio appears to be better than during the 1st wave but time will tell. Looks like we gained 20,000 deaths in the quiet period - not newsworthy in terms of daily rates.

28day deaths. Well 60 day is still published and it's just marginally higher and also the death certificate covid count is always higher.
Wow, you miss the point entirely. If you'd given the link then the data wouldn't have been coming from you, you'd just be reporting it. My numbers have a source, yours didn't until I provided it for you, you're welcome.

What % of beds being occupied, or % of cases would you describe as overwhelmed? What metric do you choose to use?
1 you didn’t provide me with anything as even you little brain can work out I provided the data before you did and you stupidness baffles me as I have provided many links,videos etc and every time I’m apparently lying,I’ve made them up,I’m a conspiracy theorist,I’m a crackpot so why would me providing a link to the last bit of information I provided resort in feedback or a response any different than any of the others so that is why I didn’t provide the link
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