pubs could open in April but no alcohol can be served

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
good idea.....or not so good?

NB: this is not a criticism of the govt, I realise they are floating ideas
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good idea.....or not so good?

NB: this is not a criticism of the govt, I realise they are floating ideas

From what I've heard the idea has been widely derided by all parties as pointless.
Yeah, people go to the pub to drink, not to just hang out with buddies!

I guess from last time, all the media criticism was around crowds of drunk people fighting on a Saturday night, so it would avoid that.
But the real problem is pretending that you can stop a highly contagious virus spreading in a pub so long as everybody washes their hands and hides behind a plastic screen.
They could serve afternoon tea.

Nice plates of sandwiches and some cake

Instead of Scotch Eggs.
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Yes, they could. And the tea shops could open and serve beer.
That would lead to gangs of rowdy old ladies thronging the streets at closing time, singing and shouting.
A pub is a business like any other, it needs an operating profit, without that, what's the point of opening.
That would lead to gangs of rowdy old ladies thronging the streets at closing time, singing and shouting.

It has been noted that serving alcohol attracts larger groups of people.

Drinking a lot seems to make people do daft things like not social distancing, hugging, fighting and god knows what else.

If people don't drink alcohol but still meet up for a chat they may not stick around as long as they would normally.

If pubs open as normal, we risk more cases of Covid19, so if they open surely we don't want them full up with too many people getting p1ssed up and getting too close.

In fact, some groups of people get too over-excited before drinking and act daft before they actually enter a pub.

Going back to normality must be a gradual thing, to avoid any sudden increases in cases of Covid19.

At least pub meals may be available, which can be enjoyed by customers and may help the pubs to make money to make the whole exercise worthwhile.

I miss going to the pub for a beer, but anything is better than nothing.

I can (just) see the logic in this.
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The track and trace people ask what they were doing about the time people were infected. They can guess from the incubation period. Currently shopping is an extremely clear winner. Merry Xmas or food. Pass.

Another previously was eating out, may have included coffee so what we want as soon as possible a vat reduction to help keep these retailers on their feet for a few weeks before it all starts over again.

Most common reports of infection - domestic properties - some one bought it in.

GDP was down about 8% last year. May be down to mail order. A pure mail order company has bought a couple of clothing chains. The man at the top of Amazon has stepped aside to look at what else they can get into. Currently cloud etc storage ( the biggest now ) plus Amazon as we know it.
When the govt previously introduced early closure and non selling of alcohol, many pubs offered to stay open as coffee/meal establishments . I'm sure the pubs will be happy to get some punters in whatever they drink or eat, to make some sort of income.
Will fighting at closing time still be allowed if the chavs are still sober?
Seems pointless to me. Can't see the benefit - on beer only pubs they aren't going to get a lot of trade in and then they will be competing with coffee shops and cafe's. Pubs that can sell food will be loosing more than 60% of their income being unable to sell beer with food.

My local has had 2 crowdfunding runs this year to help with paying their rent and taxes to stay open and they are clearly struggling with staying in business, something the village wants. The village residents are doing all they can with support via take-aways etc. The pub and grounds was bought by builder who is desperate to build on the only patch of green in the village center - the pub garden and he will/would knock the pub building down if he could.
Finally the people of Britain will be able to go to the pub and order sparkling water without fearing other punters laughing at them.
A milestone has been reached.
Well done!
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