Bye Shammina ...

What country's have taken their citizens back. I think I remember that Donald Trump once said it was wrong not to take them back.
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What country's have taken their citizens back. I think I remember that Donald Trump once said it was wrong not to take them back.
If a government or country claims the moral high ground, should it base it's conduct on what everyone else is doing?
Or should it decide its respect for international law, and abide by the decision in all cases?
It is simply not acceptable to pick and choose which international laws it wants to respect. If it does pick and choose, then it loses integrity.
The UK appears to be determined to pick and choose which international laws it wishes to respect, at its own volition and at its own convenience.

In a recent independent report, it is obvious that the power to deprive people of their citizenship refers to citizenship conferred on people by naturalization:
By the Immigration Act 2014 [IA 2014], Parliament conferred upon the Secretary of State the power under review: that is, a power to deprive a person of British citizenship resulting from naturalisation, in circumstances where the consequence of that order is to render the person stateless.1
That power can also be applied where a British citizen has other citizenship options open to them. It was considered that SB had an option of Bangladeshi citizenship. But that option was firmly closed by Bangladesh.
Therefore a British citizen in her own right by birth has been made stateless, a clear breach of international and British law.
It is the combination of the circumstances that cause the breaching of the law.
1.4. So the uniqueness of the power under review arises:
(a) neither from the mere fact that deprivation of citizenship is exercisable on “conducive to the public good” grounds,
(b) nor from the mere fact that its exercise makes people stateless.​
Rather, the distinctive nature of the power lies in its combination of those factors.
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What is the cost of allowing ISIS suicide bombers back in the country to kill people...More importantly.

Millions per year just for one.
The security cost is vast

But those arms contracts with Saudi are worth billions.
She was the partner of a member of a genocidal mass murdering cult. Are you aware of that Bobby
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She was the partner of a member of a genocidal mass murdering cult. Are you aware of that Bobby
Guilty by association is not the same as guilt by being an accessory.
You cannot be found guilty in UK simply for association with a guilty person.
You have to prove that they were an accessory to the crime.
She, voluntarily made her self stateless. Fact. She has bought all of this on herself. Fact.
She wouldn’t want to come back if IS were successful. Fact.
She’s made her bed. Let her lie in it.
Guilty by association is not the same as guilt by being an accessory.
You cannot be found guilty in UK simply for association with a guilty person.
You have to prove that they were an accessory to the crime.

I think you could say that about a soldier who was part of the Nazi war machine. But can you really say that about a young girl who travelled across Europe to another continent to join an evil cult.
I think you could say that about a soldier who was part of the Nazi war machine. But can you really say that about a young girl who travelled across Europe to another continent to join an evil cult.

Thats what I say Bodd
a soldier who was part of the Nazi war machine.
If they are adults and voluntarily part of that machine, and carry out the actions of that machine, then they are either guilty of a crime, or of being an accessory to a crime, if one has been committed.

Moreover, if one has risen to a high rank, and allegedly practised torture, in the name and on behalf of that machine, one cannot hardly be excused as just associating with criminals.

Additionally, if someone is suspected of committing, or being an accessory to, a crime, then they should be prosecuted.
That is what happened to prominent members of the Nazi 'machine'. If any of them spent time in prison for their conduct while being a member of that machine, then they have been charged with crime(s), found guilty and punished. They weren't punished for their political beliefs, however horrendous they might be.
They weren't intentionally turned into refugees.

The UK has intentionally created a refugee. We don't know how many more have been intentionally created by UK because the government refuse to release the details.
she joined a terrorist group voluntarily

there fore she is guilty of a crime
Then prosecute her and, if found guilty, punish her.
But to deprive someone of their citizenship, and make them stateless is tantamount to state sponsored assassination without trial.
I like Uncle Fritz, a sound bloke from what I've heard.
Except he was a criminal, Apparently, according to transam he was imprisoned for his crimes. Unless he was the drunken one that fell out of the concentration camp guard tower.
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