Bye Sturgeon

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You have to wonder about the timing from a media point of view - Budget day
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What do you think xenophobic means, dummy?
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What do you think xenophobic means, dummy?
Casting aspersions on the background of tax dodgers is well dodgy have no idea if they are migrants or not.
Learn to pronounce

  1. a person having a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions.
Do you need it spelled out in words of 1 syllable?
The Barclay brothers were migrants

They were tax Dodgers

They were billionaires

They were Tory supporters.

All those are facts.

No xenophobia involved.
If this doesn't bring an end to all this independence nonsense I don't know what will.

Remoaners said the same about Brexit, but once that ball is rolling nothing can stop it.
Irrelavant xenophobic comment..Oh sorry..does that only apply when YOU decide?Stick to YOUR rules Joan.

No, dummy, it only applies when xenophobia is involved. Which in this case it is not.

I expect your embarrassing mistake is due to your ignorance.
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