Johnson Sinks to New Low

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I see to have missed you telling us... what is the "fact" that you have in mind?
Jesus Christ, it's like
"mommy I want a chocolate"
"no Johnny, you can't have one"
"mommy I want a chocolate"
"no Johnny, you can't have one"
"mommy I want a chocolate"
"no Johnny, you can't have one"
"mommy I want a chocolate"
"no Johnny, you can't have one"
"mommy I want a chocolate"
"no Johnny, you can't have one"
"mommy I want a chocolate"
"no Johnny, you can't have one"
"mommy I want a chocolate"
"Johnny, dearest STFU"

Here you go Johnny boy the proposition.


The fact ..... he did fail, and you've just confirmed it - to yourself not to everyone else as it was already known.
except run it down.

yeah I agree, Labour have spent the last 10 or so years wrecking this country with:

PPE corruption
one of the worst covid death rates in the world
cut police force employees by 43,000
cut nurse numbers by 50,000
criminal justice system to point of collapse
cut social care to point of collapse

oh no wait a minute....thats the Tories that you voted for :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
oh, you mean it's a fact that Johnson's sniping was disgusting.

Yes, it was.

As several of his MPs and staff have told Johnson, and some of the have resigned their positions in disgust at his appalling behaviour.

If you were British, and a patriot, you would be ashamed to see your country led by such a revolting, dishonest, shameless liar as Johnson.
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The fact ..... he did fail, and you've just confirmed it - to yourself not to everyone else as it was already known.

You may find in the next few days that he has shot himself in the foot with that. He seems to like shooting himself in foot.

Now we have a book about Carrie by the sound of it. Filly will love it. All her fault.
The fact ..... he did fail

Starmer did not fail.

The failure was due to the police and their method of interviewing victims.

So you are demonstrably WRONG....which is not surprising as you think brexit is still a good outcome....isnt it a wonderful success


Let’s face it was a rum old deal to start with

Johnson saved the UK from the calamity of corbyn :ROFLMAO:

not the ideal situation but hey ho

the responsibility in part lays with all of the fruit cakes who voted in corbyn as party leader

they should all be certified under the mental
Johnsons "Saville" dead cat has failed wonder Fillyboy and Woody are foaming at the mouth :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Liz Truss for PM :D
Jeez us that Starmer had to be rescued by plod today from a crowd of fruit cakes

on the news just now

arrest all of em and bang em all up
Cannot be dealing with that sort of behaviour

tazor them as well
The failure was due to the police and their method of interviewing victims.
You are another that has not read the CPS report or the Saville enquiry. SMH

Tip: actually have knowledge about things you are talking about.

And why are you ignoring that Starmer has actually apologised? It's on record. Its in your favourite search engine! FFS
have you got another "fact" in mind?

Why are you so reluctant to tell us what it is?

Is it because you don't know?

Jeez us that Starmer had to be rescued by plod today from a crowd of fruit cakes

on the news just now

arrest all of em and bang em all up
Cannot be dealing with that sort of behaviour

tazor them as well
Do you think is treatment was worse than that of Saville's victims? Or worse than the treatment of the victims of the the community rape gangs roaming around at will for years while he did nothing?

I think not
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