Hate of Women

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
  • Start date
People are speaking up, slowly, in groups and as individuals, asking for an end to the 'ism's' based on gender, race, whatever and simply asking for equal opportunities, equal respect and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that to a rational, kind person.
Where in football, or for that matter in any aspect of UK life do women not have equal opportunities. If there is any discrimination now in UK society it is against middle aged white straight blokes.

anyway - welcome back to the forum, you were a miss when you left the last time, may be you have come back as a mrs :D
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Where in football, or for that matter in any aspect of UK life do women not have equal opportunities. If there is any discrimination now in UK society it is against middle aged white straight blokes.

anyway - welcome back to the forum, you were a miss when you left the last time, may be you have come back as a mrs :D
Cheers! Nah, still a Miss - living in sin :)

If going back to the video, it's calling out the abuse that the women footie players get - because they are women. So, no, not an equal opportunity! There's no discrimination against white blokes at all, that's just a reaction that white blokes are having to other groups speaking up.
Cheers! Nah, still a Miss - living in sin :)

If going back to the video, it's calling out the abuse that the women footie players get - because they are women. So, no, not an equal opportunity! There's no discrimination against white blokes at all, that's just a reaction that white blokes are having to other groups speaking up.
Where is this abuse happening? because when I have seen women's football, I would say the vast majority of the fans are female. Maybe it is homophobic abuse?
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Where is this abuse happening? because when I have seen women's football, I would say the vast majority of the fans are female. Maybe it is homophobic abuse?
Online as far as I know, I don't go to footie matches so..., have a look at articles and yes, homophobic has been part of it. I can remember reading about it a while back, a woman footie player sharing what has happened. Also, I daresay this video wouldn't have been made had there been no need for it.

I get abuse happens with male footie players too, criminally it happens to black players, (so much for the 'beautiful game' eh) but the abuse women get is sexist, nastier (rape threats), stereotyping. Same with MP's - all MP's get abuse but the abuse online women MP's get is just so much more misogynistic, sometimes forcing them from politics and more likely to happen to them than their male counterparts.

It's not right and I don't give a toss if am called woke or accused of virtue signalling.
Don’t really follow football any more tbh

Dare say woman’s football
Along with other woman’s sports are under threat from blokes self identifying as woman caper who think they have the right to enter woman’s sport

Bunch of fruit cakes dressing up
As woman and think it’s perfectly ok to enter woman’s sports

All protected by another bunch of shouty fruit cakes with there ball
Cocks excuses ??? Reasoning ??
(There's an interesting bit of clear analysis of virtue signalling here: https://simplicable.com/new/virtue-signaling.)

It's not right and I don't give a toss if am called woke or accused of virtue signalling.
Of course it's not. On the rare occasion I see it, it fires me up, and that's caused me trouble in the past.
I suppose it's the same testosterone-fuelled tribalism which gets the knuckle dragging dorks out, letting their animal urges take over at football matches or online.

So, civilised society goes through some actions to suppress it. Some say more should be done, it's a constant to and fro.
Anyone can post things online while being 100% anonymous, like on this site, so it has moderators, and so on. It'll never stop.
Events on either side, tip the balance

Lectures from Southgate probably don't make much difference. Highlighting the matter does harm as well as good.

It's just part of the human condition. Am I saying just that because I'm a relatively unaffected old white bloke?
Am I saying just that because I'm a relatively unaffected old white bloke?
Probably. Just as much as I say what I say as a woman.

You know, all my life I've encountered sexism in the workplace - my first day on Fleet Street was to have to get the tea for all the photographers (who were all men) as 'a woman, I was told that was my job', despite having a degree in photography and worked my way up from local papers and agencies - and was headhunted by one of the nationals which is unheard of.
I know how to play the game, I've worked harder to be accepted in a male environment, to be considered 'one of the lads'. But I shouldn't have had to, it should've been down to my skill as a snapper.
Prior to my job as a newspaper snapper, I worked doing varied jobs. I've been pinned up against the wall and groped in a store room in a factory. I've been groped in a darkroom while doing a months paid work on a Xmas toy catalogue by my boss who was old enough to be my dad. I've been touched sexually doing office work and had sexual comments. I've been groped in pubs/nightclubs, I've been grabbed at night, walking home and just got away and ran (luckily very close to home). I've had innuendo after innuendo growing up by my brothers friends and other folk in pubs. I've shrugged it off and accepted most of it - up to a point as that was my generations way. I've always always been headstrong and when appropriate pulled people up on it, on rare occasions in the office, reported higher when my initial 'not acceptable mate' is ignored.

I shouldn't have had to.
I repeat - I shouldn't have had to.

Anything that makes folk talk, even if arguing about this issue is good as it raises it to the front and if one single bloke 'gets it' then am happy. If I can do anything to help another woman growing up and not have to deal with the same ****e that I dealt with then that's great. Being woke, yes, I happily accept being woke as it's miles better than being the unkind silly old bloke who calls me that. He's not understanding, he can't move on from living in a cave.
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"Bint" is the Arabic word for woman or daughter. Male form is "Bin"

So it was brought into the English language during the years after WWII following soldiers being in North Africa.

Mohamed bin Abdulla Althani ( Mohammed son of Abdulla )

Fatima bint Abdulla Althani ( Fatima daughter of Abdulla )

Pakï was short for Pakistani. Doesn't mean it's not offensive now.
Men have been 'privileged' for donkeys years just because they ARE male. Men have controlled most things for centuries,

Some men do and their wife's and daughters reap the benefits. Unfortunately not my daughters or Mrss Bod.
Pakï was short for Pakistani. Doesn't mean it's not offensive now.
They don't find it offensive when they refer to each other as ****, same as blacks call each other that word that whites aren't allowed to say. Hate is an emotion, and keeping emotions suppressed is not good usually. How can you eliminate hate? no idea, just try eliminating love or joy or happiness.
Hey, how come you can say **** and I can't?
You know, all my life I've encountered sexism in the workplace - my first day on Fleet Street was to have to get the tea for all the photographers (who were all men)

That is how stuck up your ars you are. . I also had to make tea for men when I was with an engineering company. Sometimes the secretary got a cup of tea too if she asked.
That is how stuck up your ars you are. . I also had to make tea for men when I was with an engineering company. Sometimes the secretary got a cup of tea too if she asked.
You were asked to make the tea because you're a woman? OK...
Have you been pinned up against the wall in the workplace, people grope you when you didn't want it? Have you had to work harder because you're a woman? Have you been grabbed in the street at night, walking home? I hope your daughters don't encounter men with your attitude, I really do.

And stuck up my arse? Better than being a nasty ****** Bodd.
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