When Did it All Start To Go Wrong?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Has there ever been a time when politicians were in the job purely because they wanted to do the right thing for their constituants, the country, etc.....?

If so, when did it start going bad?
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I'm going to say no, that has never been the case.

But the government haven't always always been this incompetent.
I have a pet theory that there are 2 kinds of politician: those who come up from council and union backgrounds; and the PPE social climber/think tanker/special advisor types. The latter are ****s on the whole, and sacrifice good government activity on the altar of electability.

The former turn into the latter the further up the greasy pole they get.
The first thing that helped things to change probably had to happen. Mrs T removed the currency movement laws. That allowed it to be sent and used anywhere the monied wanted it to go. This allowed some of our more successful companies to move stuff as well and do other things that result in less jobs here.

Asset stripping figures.

Then looking at product ranges and severely reducing them. ICI was a simple and extreme one to appreciate. A lot of their stuff depended on imports of materials so it was viewed that they could not be competitive with finished product from those sources - looking at profit margins as well. I found that one particularly annoying at the time due to work. Plastics with excellent support where needed. Probably one of the reasons it worked out more expensive but of great help when brand new products are needed.

In some ways this all relates to globalisation.

I was also sent on a course organised by the company I worked for. It was run by an accountant that did project work for the main board of directors. A high flyer. No more interest in job creation. Share holders are more important. Understandable really as automation always results in less jobs. Me, more design end so in some ways of no importance to me however it turned out that what they wanted to do didn't entirely fit in with that. They shed their skiills and sold off all of their various branches. Me - I was just moved or sold on elsewhere but a lot lost their jobs. Lucky really. It could have gone in other directions and very nearly did once.
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The problem we've got is people who rise up as "man/woman of the people" generally aren't well equipped to run things. People who are "bred" for politics, don't get the people and people who would be good at running things are usually out making money running companies.

Starmer and Sunak both have a bit of experience and are definitely better than the career politicians of the past (in terms of experience). Has Jeremy Corbyn, Angela Rayner, David Cameron, Theresa May, Gordon Brown etc.. ever done a proper job? Politics shouldn't be a profession it should be a calling. Something you do after you've done a job somewhere.
Starmer and Sunak both have a bit of experience and are definitely better than the career politicians of the past (in terms of experience). Has Jeremy Corbyn, Angela Rayner, David Cameron, Theresa May, Gordon Brown etc.. ever done a proper job? Politics shouldn't be a profession it should be a calling. Something you do after you've done a job somewhere.
You over simplifying. Manufacture is an extremely competitive world. Cost and scale of it figures. Getting the initial growth in sales needed isn't easy. There isn't much a gov can do about that.

The main problem with politics in my opinion is various narrow minded views. It tends to attract a number with that problem. Also a change in campaign methods. The right in particular have been leading on that. It's all getting a bit Trumpish and he might even have got some of his ideas from here. ;) Oz too. All that is needed to get elected is a nice hook, ideally no more than 3 words. I've over simplified but it is much used.

Then derisive politics - even within the Tory at the moment. Labour have periods of it but good grief with what's going on in the Tory at the moment. They groups of fanatics. Several of them.
it all went wrong , when discipline in schools went down the collective toilet years ago
You over simplifying. Manufacture is an extremely competitive world. Cost and scale of it figures. Getting the initial growth in sales needed isn't easy. There isn't much a gov can do about that.

The main problem with politics in my opinion is various narrow minded views. It tends to attract a number with that problem. Also a change in campaign methods. The right in particular have been leading on that. It's all getting a bit Trumpish and he might even have got some of his ideas from here. ;) Oz too. All that is needed to get elected is a nice hook, ideally no more than 3 words. I've over simplified but it is much used.

Then derisive politics - even within the Tory at the moment. Labour have periods of it but good grief with what's going on in the Tory at the moment. They groups of fanatics. Several of them.
Tories always seem to like grasping defeat from the jaws of victory. But it wasn't that long ago that people were signing "oh Jeremy Corbyn" after Momentum wiped out most of the moderates. Sir K picked up a total mess and to be fair to him he seems to have the extreme left gagged, at least for now. The problem comes when you look at who he has to form a government with. One Lawyer a woman without any GCSEs and another who can't add up doesn't make a government.
doesn't make a government.
Nice filtered comment You really think the Tory don't have people with similar problems. Rayner is an ex uniion person who achieved a significant position. Another 2 jags but with boobs and lacks the jags. Union people need political skills Shop stewards such as the famous red robbo are another matter.

Oh they have an ex BofE economist who is also into the markets as well.
Has there ever been a time when politicians were in the job purely because they wanted to do the right thing for their constituants, the country, etc.....?

If so, when did it start going bad?
When they saw how well that good old socialist boy Tony Blair did in lining his pockets. He practically wrote the book on pulling the wool over the publics eyes and earning well out of it. WMD? Never found any, did they? Yet we went to war on that lie.
The problem we've got is people who rise up as "man/woman of the people" generally aren't well equipped to run things. People who are "bred" for politics, don't get the people and people who would be good at running things are usually out making money running companies.

Starmer and Sunak both have a bit of experience and are definitely better than the career politicians of the past (in terms of experience). Has Jeremy Corbyn, Angela Rayner, David Cameron, Theresa May, Gordon Brown etc.. ever done a proper job? Politics shouldn't be a profession it should be a calling. Something you do after you've done a job somewhere.
I agree.

Thinking back to David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg era……carbon copy career politicians.
The two World Wars. Ever since those, politicians have had to administer ever-dwindling budgets and hindered by the creation of the welfare state and the National Health Service. Being in debt has become normality and it has become impossible for a politician to be conservative.
The two World Wars. Ever since those, politicians have had to administer ever-dwindling budgets and hindered by the creation of the welfare state and the National Health Service. Being in debt has become normality and it has become impossible for a politician to be conservative.
I would also say WW2.

Brits had the attitude that they were better than Johnny Foreigner .
They went on to produce the "BL Cars Marina", and the Rolls Royce nice wedding car.

Germans knew they had to drag their blood soaked arses out of the gutter and do some work.
They went on to produce the VW Golf, Beamers and Mercs. Which they exported in tens of millions.
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