Covid - how long to test positive for?

Worth their weight in gold 'reliable source's of news' who people follow religiously to be infiltrated by people of less worthy ambitions. You've only to look no farther than the BBC whose relevance is becoming secondary now it's chosen the woke route.
Other msm "reliable" sources? They all seem to shut up shop in procuring an alternative voice during covid for fear of being stopped from printing by offsted.
Word salad and utter gibberish.

Yet you seek out known lying websites and believe them. Nothing you say makes any sense what so ever.
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Why do you find this so difficult?

Because it would undermine Gant's whole belief structure (y)

Like those who buy their beans in Walmart - an assault rifle slung across their shoulders, while paying with "untraceable" dollar bills - and then bury them in the Nevada desert, Gant likes to think he's a free-thinker, and is "sticking it to da man" :rolleyes:
Our believers seem somewhat triggered uncomfortable
Why do you have to get information from outlets to confirm ones suspicions. If things don't stack up they don't stack up.
Masks for instance if they're not a load of ****** I don't know what is.
The politicians didn't take it too seriously certainly Hancock didn't and those at the meeting in Davos. Rumour has it Macrons (the watch hider) not been jabbed.
Who knows what to believe eh.
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Because it would undermine Gant's whole belief structure (y)

Like those who buy their beans in Walmart - an assault rifle slung across their shoulders, while paying with "untraceable" dollar bills - and then bury them in the Nevada desert, Gant likes to think he's a free-thinker, and is "sticking it to da man" :rolleyes:
Your off on one there aren't you cock.
He can't answer. Chooses to fluff out the thread with nonsense deflection.

Gullible coward.
You would have thought they'd all be keen to share their insights.

But no, that would give the game away...
You would have thought they'd all be keen to share their insights.

But no, that would give the game away...
What would be the point, when these threads come up the usual suspects spout the same old sh*te that they believe in unfalteringly. I'd have some respect if they showed a fleeting admittance that they might not know everything on the topic.
I'd have some respect if they showed a fleeting admittance that they might not know everything on the topic.
Science is always evolving and learning new things. Of course no-one knows everything but saying that everyone is lying is nuts...
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