She was only 15

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Your not very good at comprehension then.

you said: “How can I show you links on the BBC not reporting on something they don't report on”

they do report on it, I provided examples.
So that puts the BBC out of the equation, where do you get these things called 'facts' from?
you said: “How can I show you links on the BBC not reporting on something they don't report on”

they do report on it, I provided examples.
I thought you'd understand that to be their news broadcasts.
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You're right, there was never any savagery across the four nations before the Africans arrived, what a peaceful harmonious history the UK has pre the black people ...

15 year old girl stabbed to death in most places would still, even today, be shocking. However, when you realise it's London and the races involved, it's just third worlders being third worlders. She may have been safer if she had reached school, as chances are there's metal detector there. But needing to have a metal detector tells you how bad it is. It's not Cockneys spearing each other and glorifying violence and mysoginy through the tuneless, moronic, aggressive 'music' they listen to - it's incommers. It's not Cockneys pushing up London's murder rate to NYC levels. The safest cities I have ever been to, day or night, are in Eastern/Central Europe. They don't have third worlders in any numbers. Strange coincidence.

Also, it's not just Africans. There are other racial groups who may be slightly more organised and calculating about it - but they're equally capable of savagery, sometimes wholesale savagery when it comes to acts of terrorism. They make the IRA look like amateurs.
There is some truth to this but the bigger point is - The Tories have failed to invest in the country so the only way they can grow the economy is through increasing the population - more people means more demand and so how do we pay for this extra demand - look at increasing debt levels.

So they have increased the population, increased debt but crucially cut services.

We have an aging population and falling birth rates but the Tories answer to that is increasing immigration - they get their increase in demand (so property prices remain bouyant ) but the effects are felt in school place, hospital appointments etc.

It's a failure of policy by design. People will then complain I am paying higher tax for lower services, the Tories will then spin the public services are too big and need to be privatised.

You are getting played everyday.

Thank God post world war we had enlightened leaders who invested in the country and not venal Tories.

Agree with every word. Many countries have encouraged their own people to boost the falling population. Unfortunately, being Tories, they have gone the cheaper, seemingly easier route of mass immgration. All the while, promising the mugs who elect them to greatly reduce immigration. Importing millions who have no connection to us and are often at odds with our culture and unable to assimilate is arguably beneficial to the economy, but disasterous for society.
Agree with every word. Many countries have encouraged their own people to boost the falling population. Unfortunately, being Tories, they have gone the cheaper, seemingly easier route of mass immgration. All the while, promising the mugs who elect them to greatly reduce immigration. Importing millions who have no connection to us and are often at odds with our culture and unable to assimilate is arguably beneficial to the economy, but disasterous for society.

They cut sure start, cut child benefit, etc.

You can grow the economy and the best way is to GROW YOUR OWN POPULATION through family friendly policies, sure women can work but make it so they can leave the work environment and have kids and then return in a few years.

Put the family at the core of their policies not markets. It is the obsession with the free market - there are more than one way to organise the economy.
and the races involved,
Yet another opportunity for ReganandCarter to demonstrate his racism.
Domestic violence is the highest rate of homocide for women. It's nothing to do with ethnicity.

And DIYnot continues to allow his outpouring of blatant racism.
You call it racism Himmy but mostly everyone else calls it reality.

Shaun Bailey AM proposed, and Keith Prince AM seconded, the following amended motion:

“This Assembly is concerned that despite making up only 13% of London’s total population, black Londoners account for 45% of London’s knife murder victims, 61% of knife murder perpetrators and 53% of knife crime perpetrators. This means black Londoners are disproportionately more likely to be victims and perpetrators of knife crime".

Yet some people on here despite the overwhelming statistics above, still scream 'racist' because stop and search is being carried out on more black people than white ones. It’s not racist. It’s proportionate.
You call it racism Himmy but mostly everyone else calls it reality.

Don't be daft. Domestic murder and violence is not the monopoly of any group ethnicity.

This was just another opportunity to display blatant and rampant racism.
You post up a report about kinife crime, and Mottie referred to it.
This murder was not about knife crime, it was about an immature youth, whose advances were spurned.
He would have been violent with whatever was available to him. If it hadn't been a knife it would have been any other kind of weapon.

It's society's fault for perpetuating the misogynistic culture, and the failure of education (including parents and peers) to address that issue.
Woman have a right to say "NO!" We ought to be educating the males as well as (or even more so) the females.
Shaun Bailey AM proposed, and Keith Prince AM seconded, the following amended motion:

“This Assembly is concerned that despite making up only 13% of London’s total population, black Londoners account for 45% of London’s knife murder victims, 61% of knife murder perpetrators and 53% of knife crime perpetrators. This means black Londoners are disproportionately more likely to be victims and perpetrators of knife crime".

Yet some people on here despite the overwhelming statistics above, still scream 'racist' because stop and search is being carried out on more black people than white ones. It’s not racist. It’s proportionate.

So we are using facts now - excellent , so why you jump through hoops when asked about Brexit and I am still waiting for an answer.

I will dismiss the above as Brexxers dismiss facts. ;)
So we are using facts now - excellent , so why you jump through hoops when asked about Brexit and I am still waiting for an answer.

I will dismiss the above as Brexxers dismiss facts. ;)
Fact is, Brexit has cost me **** all so far. What has it cost you? Not fictitious scare examples that might happen if all the remainer stars are in alignment, I’m asking what it has actually cost you in pound notes from your pocket?
Fact is, Brexit has cost me **** all so far. What has it cost you? Not fictitious scare examples that might happen if all the remainer stars are in alignment, I’m asking what it has actually cost you in pound notes from your pocket?

Are you thick?

Do you eat food - well Brexit has caused about 1/3 of the inflationary cost.
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