Angela Rayner

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Motorbiking seems to think she might (unproven) owe £1500 of tax.

At his usual hourly rate, he's wasted far more on his smears.

A former Chancellor had to pay tens of millions.

The lying Lord who wrote the rumour dodged more than a hundred million.
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Brown became a laughing stock after that.

Completely and utterly wrong

Nobel winner: How Gordon saved the world​

Gordon Brown's rescue plan was hailed worldwide with Germany, France, Italy and other European governments saying they will follow suit. But perhaps the most notable endorsement came from Paul Krugman, who yesterday won the Nobel Prize for economics.

That shows your limited economic knowledge Botch
I know enough to understand Gordon Brown did a good job.

I’m sorry your tribalism precludes you from having intelligent though

Gordon Brown's rescue plan was hailed worldwide with Germany, France, Italy and other European governments saying they will follow suit.
Did they sell off their gold reserves at a knockdown price too?
So it's sensible to sell off your gold reserves at the least best price you can get for them.
Hmmm I'll have to try and work that one out.
So it's sensible to sell off your gold reserves at the least best price you can get for them.
Hmmm I'll have to try and work that one out.
Don't dwell on it. More constructive if you look at massive Tory waste and why they are out of favour with the UK public presently.
Far more sensible decision than brexit

Brexit has cost £100b+ and left us worse off
The gold would be worth 330 billion. But it was sold for 33 billion.

So it could cover Brexit x3. It does make sense now……….
Why would I have any interest in what Tories do.
Notchy thinks anyone who doesn’t agree with his nonsense is a conservative.

He has no ability to think outside his little box.

I’ve no faith in either party, and haven’t for a long time.
Far more sensible decision than brexit

Brexit has cost £100b+ and left us worse off
Is that what you would call another of those 'whataboutery' posts you complain about? Guess you just wanted to avoid answering again, eh?
The rwr are up in arms about AR, and it's only right that if she owes anything it should be paid, with any punishment deemed necessary.

Very quiet on Conservative issues I notice

Shocking that a Minister libelling someone is regarded as acted in the course of ministerial duties, and has costs covered.
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