Dogs in shops.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
We live within an easy walk to two high streets and I like to take our dog for a walk to either of them. One of them has a department store (Roomes of Upminster) that has a 'Dog friendly' sign on the door so I often go there. Only place she’s not allowed in there is the café which is fair enough. Other shops, I’m not so sure. Most say nothing, some say 'Assistance dogs only'. We often go to the Peak District and many places are dog friendly. I have a cunning plan! Yesterday I made a £3 purchase from Amazon and I’m going to try them out this week. Well, the definition of 'assistance' can be quite ambiguous, can’t it. ;)


How do you get on with dogs in your High Street shops?
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I'm not keen in taking dogs to shops. I don't think they really enjoy it that much - too much hussle as well... just concrete everywhere.
A dog is a dog. If food outlets/cafes etc ban dogs on health issues, it should be all dogs, if they let assistance dogs in, they can let all dogs in. The main reason places allow assistance dogs only in is that they are usually better behaved, better than some kids. I walk my dogs (Golden retriever and goldendoodle) on harnesses, and if the weather is bright and the sun (remember that?) is out I wear dark glasses. The number of people who step away to give me a wide berth is much higher than if I don't have dark glasses on.Assistance dogs can be used for anything, you may have anxiety issues and have a dog for that, that is what I suggest you say if challenged.
If food outlets/cafes etc ban dogs on health issues, it should be all dogs
thats a fair point

and there is no health risk of a dog in a cafe -its not like its in the kitchen licking the salad.
dogs are very clean animals -probably cleaner than some humans.

Ive found France to be more dog friendly than the UK.

in the UK loads of places dont allow dogs, which is frustrating.

Cafe Nero is dog friendly which is handy to know
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they are usually better behaved, better than some kids.
Yes. Probably better behaved that a toddler running loose near the pick 'n' mix!

Assistance dogs can be used for anything, you may have anxiety issues and have a dog for that, that is what I suggest you say if challenged.

Good idea. Better still, give them a wild stare and tell them I have anger issues.:mrgreen:
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Your dog looks lovely and dare i say relatively placid. We have a WC (not the toilet version) it goes bonkers around people, utter distraction the whole time drives me nuts and pulls on the lead which i really don't like, so i keep her mainly to fields and places she can chase birds or other dogs. Don't get me wrong we trained her well early on not to pull but all goes out the window when she see's someone who may just be holding oven ready chicken just for her.

Personally, dogs have their places and i don't believe they should be anywhere near public places containing food etc.
Heh heh. I've cracked it. Just walked up Hornchurch and been in Sainsbury's and Greggs as they have 'Assistance dogs allowed' signs. Nobody batted an eye or challenged me. Bought 4 sausage rolls for £3 in Greggs. Three for me and one for my accomplice. :mrgreen:
dogs are very clean animals -probably cleaner than some humans.
Hmm. Our cockers do love to roll in a nice sloppy fox or cow pat. A 'human' from Romford would need to be drunk on a Friday night before they did that....
I would say the rule of 'no dogs' is for the convenience and pleasure of the majority of customers who do not have dogs or do not want to sit next to one - or perhaps the owner just does not like them.

The allowance for 'assistance' dogs is likely just to avoid accusations in these enlightened times of discrimination against those who need them; much like access for wheelchairs should be provided.
Hmm. Our cockers do love to roll in a nice sloppy fox or cow pat. A 'human' from Romford would need to be drunk on a Friday night before they did that....
Yep what's that all about. And i've seen mine throw up a few times, then walk back up to said pile maybe 30secs later sniff it and eat it like it was a yummy snack.
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