£18,000,000 a day almost and dome idiots in here thinks that's ok !!!



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Being able to draw from a wide range of skills from a variety of countries is to the benefit of everyone
Which is why I find it pecuilar how obsessed some people are with importing only Europeans, and not peoples of all nations equally without discriminating against certain countries.

It wasn't his job at all, precisely because he was a remainer.
You can't be serious. Cameron called the refendum, hence he is responsible for either outcome. The remain campaign was just that, a campaign. It had no political power or mandate either to make or implement any 'plan'.

You clearly have no idea how much of a disaster reverting to WTO rules would be.
You clearly have no idea what my point was. I'm not saying that would be the best option, I'm just saying no 'plan' is strictly required since there is a default fallback position.
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Yes but the last low low was after the financial crash.
I don't know why the pound should have been so badly affected against the Euro then.
Why did they not go down together - i.e. no effect.

I did ask about that earlier.
Whatever the situation - strong or weak pound - it always seems to be (said to be) bad for Britain.
One advantage of Brexit is that the import duty from non EU countries can be whatever we want them to be and so have the potential of cheaper goods from these countries to partly offset what we lose in exchange rates.
It wasn't up to the government to come up with a plan for Brexit - their plan was to remain a part of the EU.

Absolute nonsense. If their plan was to remain part of the EU then why have a referendum?

Oooh yeah, silly me... I nearly forgot.
Their plan was to ignore the will of the people in the event of a brexit.
Not quite working out is it?

Aloof elitists? Good riddance to them.
.... after a catastrophic financial crash. You are not very (financially) bright are you. Are you comparing Brexit to a global financial catastrophe?
Are you saying that currencies can not go up and down? Are you suggesting that Brexit will cause a global financial catastrophe?..Please explain your random thoughts
It's gone off the original posts point £18,000,000 a day this country is donating to the EU and some idiots think that's ok

However the £ has dropped so what that was expected because of uncertainty, but as a direct consequence exports are up.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the euro will plummet due to the up and coming required bailouts of some member nations and not to mention the social unrest throughout Europe (the poles are now demonstrating againsg Islam ) due to the mass migration that's occuring and the forseeable reemergance of the far right. The single currency was an idiotic political pipe dream.
The migrant quotas that the EU are trying to impose on member nations isn't going down well at all in some member nations.

The pound will be seen as a safe currency and money will pour in to this country, ufortunately that could hit exports.

Come on you europhiles explain how it's good that were donating £18,000,000 a day ????????
Are you saying that currencies can not go up and down?
No. Currencies regularly fluctuate.

Are you suggesting that Brexit will cause a global financial catastrophe?
Not a global one, no.

Please explain your random thoughts
The last time the pound bombed (different to fluctuate) was when the globe was in financial crisis. The pound is now worse than those dark days and is at a 31 year low as a direct result of Brexit. Go figure.
No. Currencies regularly fluctuate.

Not a global one, no.

The last time the pound bombed (different to fluctuate) was when the globe was in financial crisis. The pound is now worse than those dark days and is at a 31 year low as a direct result of Brexit. Go figure.
As you are so fond of pointing out to us, Brexit hasn't happened yet....
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